Who are the first characters to appear?
Three witches.
What thought makes Macbeth so upset in his Act I, scene iii soliloquy?
Murdering Duncan.
What title does Duncan hold?
Where is this play set?
Who do the witches plan to meet in I, i?
What does Banquo say about Macbeth's odd behavior to Ross and Angus?
He is getting used to his new title.
How is Malcolm related to Duncan?
His eldest son.
What country is King Duncan at war with?
What do the witches vow to do at the beginning of I, i?
Meet again.
How does Lady Macbeth act when the king arrives at her castle in Act I, scene vi?
Warm and inviting.
Who is the hero of the battle between Scotland and its main enemy?
What is Inverness?
Macbeth's castle.
What do the witches sense in the air in I, i?
Something murky.
What does Macbeth say the people would do if Duncan were killed?
Who betrays Duncan in Act I, scene ii?
Thane of Cawdor.
What two pieces of land does Macbeth own by the end of Act I, scene i?
Glamis and Cawdor.
Do the witches like Macbeth?
Unclear, but they seem suspicious. "Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air."
What does Lady Macbeth say she'd do if she had sworn to do it?
Kill her own baby.
Who is Banquo?
Another general in the Scottish army. Fought in battle. Friend of Macbeth.