Among the characters, who appeared on the first scene and declaring that Macbeth will be a King?
The tree witches
Macbeth sees this item leading him toward Duncan's chamber.
A floating dagger
Macbeth recruits murderers with a personal grudge to kill these people.
Banquo and Fleance
Lady Macbeth asks for this ability after reading Macbeth's letter.
To have a man's cruelty
This person plans the murder of the King of Scotland
Lady Macbeth
The prediction(s) the witches made when they met Macbeth.
He will be Thane of Cawdor and King.
This was the Macbeth's mistake in carrying out the murder plan.
He brought the daggers out with him.
We find out in the end of Act 3 that Macduff has gone here to gather troops to oust Macbeth.
This is the impact that the murder will have on Macbeth's manhood according to Lady Macbeth.
It will make him more of a man
This is the reason that Lady Macbeth gives for not killing Duncan herself.
He looked like her father as he slept
At the beginning of the play, Scotland is involved in a war with this country, aided by this person.
Norway and Macdonwald
This person discovered Duncan's body.
In what way has Macbeth’s view of murder changed since he killed Duncan? What does this suggest about his downfall as a tragic hero?
Killing became a normal thing for him to get rid of the people who would prevent his kingship.
These characters leave the country after Duncan's murder for fear of their own safety.
Malcolm and Donalbain
This person was named by Duncan as his successor.
His son, Malcolm
Lady Macbeth does this after Macbeth announces he killed the guards.
She fainted
Do the assassins succeed in killing Banquo and Fleance?
They kill Banquo but Fleance escapes.
What does Banquo think of Macbeth after being crowned as King?
Banquo suspects Macbeth of foul play to achieve power
Lady Macbeth used this phrase to emphasize her concerns about her husband's ability to follow through with her plan.
He is too full of the milk of human kindness.
We first suspect that this person doesn't support Macbeth because of his absence at his crowning.
This causes Macbeth to react so strongly to Banquo's ghost.
How is the planning of Banquo's murder quite different from that of Duncan's?
Lady Macbeth did not support it at all.
While he is in Duncan's chamber, Macbeth thinks he hears a voice say this.
"Macbeth doth murder sleep"