When Banquo says, "“So I lose none/ In seeking to augment it, but still keep/ My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,/ I shall be counseled," does he swear loyalty to Macbeth no matter what?
She fears her husband is too soft and "full of the milk of human kindness" to kill King Duncan in order to become king. Although Macbeth is ambitious, he doesn't have what it takes (evil actions) to realize his ambitions.
What are the two hallucinations of Macbeth and what do they symbolize?
1. A floating dagger - Symbolizes his dark and deep desires.
2. The ghost of Banquo - Symbolizes his guilt
Who says, "“Fair is foul and foul is fair."
The Witches
What is Hecate's plan for messing with Macbeth?
She will make him overconfident and feel like he can't die or be harmed. He'll "spurn fate" and "scorn death."
What do the witches predict for Banquo's future?
He won't be king, but his children and descendants will be.
When Lady Macbeth says the quote below, what is she expressing about having power?
"“Naught’s had, all’s spent, Where our desire is got without content. ’Tis safer to be that which we destroy/ Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.”
She can't enjoy being queen because of their guilt. She'd rather be dead like King Duncan because he can at least have peace of mind.
Who does Macbeth say the following quote to?
"Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake/ Thy gory locks at me.”
Banquo's ghost
Who says, "“Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood/Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather/ The multitudinous seas incarnadine,/ Making the green one red.”
What two events did Macduff not go to?
Macbeth's party at Inverness and his Coronation
What did Banquo "do" to the murderers?
Nothing! Macbeth blames Banquo for the poor state of their lives to motivate them to kill him.
Daily Double!
What is Mr. Breckles' middle name?
After the failed assassination attempt of Fleance, what does Macbeth fear?
He fears that the prophecy that Banquo's kid will be king is true and that he will be a short-term king.
Who says, “There’s no art/ To find the mind’s construction in the face./ He was a gentleman on whom I built/An absolute trust.”
King Duncan
How does King Duncan's decision to make Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor after saying, "There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face" characterize him?
He's too nice and too trusting. He's too "good" to see the bad in others.
What writing strategy is used by Shakespeare when the audience knows Macbeth is seeing a ghost, but no one else at banquet knows?
Dramatic Irony
When Macbeth hallucinates the ghost of Banquo at the banquet, how does Lady Macbeth act toward the guests and then Macbeth.
To Guests: She makes excuses for Macbeth and says that this has happened to Macbeth since childhood. It's no biggie.
To Macbeth: She chastises him. She criticizes him and says he's basically being a scared child again. She basically says he's too soft and he's not a man.
What is Macbeth expressing about power when he says, "To be thus is nothing; to be safely thus..."?
Who says, “Go, pronounce his present death,/ And with his formal title greet Macbeth"?
King Duncan
Which two items is Macbeth talking about when he calls them "fruitless" and "barren"?
His scepter = barren (he has no real power)
What two things does Banquo realize when he says, "Thou hast it now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weird women promised, and I fear Thou play’dst most foully for’t: yet... May they not be my oracles as well, And set me up in hope?"
1. He suspects Macbeth murdered King Duncan
2. He realizes that he has a shot at becoming king and hopes the witches' predictions were truthful.
True or false:
Lady Macbeth warns Macbeth, "Blood will have blood."
False! Macbeth says this about violent "karma"
The "scorched snake" and "scorpions" in Macbeth's mind most likely symbolize what?
People who could take the throne and seize his power.
Who says, "Where we are there are daggers in men's smiles?"
Donalbain (one of King Duncan's sons)
List all SIX weird occurrences in nature after Duncan's death.
- The sun/day is dark
- A mousing owl kills a falcoln
- An owl shrieks all night
- Winds blow over chimneys
- King Duncan's horses escape and eat each other
- Earthquake