Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V

Why does Macbeth become the Thane of Cawdor?

King Duncan rewards him for his bravery and loyalty.


Why do people suspect Malcolm and Donalbain in the king's murder?

They fled immediately after Duncan's body was discovered. 


Why does Macbeth decide to kill Banquo and Fleance?

The witches prophesized that Banquo's sons would become kings/He believed Banquo would decide to murder him. 


After Macduff is informed of the death of his family, how does Malcolm encourage him to react?

Malcolm tells him to become enraged and enact revenge on Macbeth in battle.


What does Lady Macbeth confess to while she is sleepwalking? 

All of the murders that have taken place in the play. 


Lady Macbeth comes up with a way for her and Macbeth to get away with Duncan's murder. What is her plan?

She plans to get Duncan's guards drunk then plant evidence of the murder on them while they are asleep.


What happens to Duncan's chamberlains after his body is discovered? 

They are killed by Macbeth.


What goes wrong during Banquo's murder?

His son, Fleance, escapes. 


Why is Lady Macduff upset in Act IV?

She is upset that Macduff has left her and her son in order to meet up with Malcolm. She believes this makes him a traitor. 


How does Macbeth react to Lady Macbeth's death?

He is indifferent. Instead of becoming upset, he reflects on his own life and wishes she hadn't inconvenienced him during this time. 


What three titles do the witches use to greet Macbeth?

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter.


What vision does Macbeth see before he murders Duncan?

A floating dagger pointing him towards Duncan's chambers. 


What does Banquo reveal about Macbeth in the beginning of Act III?

He believes that Macbeth has done terrible things in order to become king.


What does Macbeth decide to do after meeting with the witches in Act IV? 

He decides to murder Macduff's wife and son.


What do Malcolm and his soldiers do with the branches from Birnam Wood?

They use them to hide under while they are marching towards Macbeth. 


Before killing Duncan, Macbeth describes three reasons why it would be a bad idea. What are the three reasons?

Macbeth is his subject and kinsman, Macbeth is his host, and Duncan is an excellent king.


After Duncan's murder, what strange things begin to happen?

Nature is thrown off balance. (storms, earthquakes, unusual animal behaviors, strange screams on the wind, night during the daytime) 


During Macbeth's banquet, Banquo's ghost appears. What does the appearance of this ghost likely symbolize? 

Macbeth's guilt.


When they meet in Act IV, how does Malcolm test Macduff's loyalty? 

He lies to him about being a bad person to see if he cares about the fate of Scotland. 


When Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking, she has difficulty washing imaginary blood from her hands. What does this inability to clean the blood symbolize? 

The guilt and fear that she has. 

In Act I, Lady Macbeth says, "look like th' innocent flower, But be the serpent under't." (1.5.65-66) What advice is she giving to Macbeth here?

She wants him to appear kind and innocent, but secretly plot to do terrible things.


Why does Shakespeare include the role of Porter in this play?

Comic relief


According to Lennox and the lords, where are Malcolm and Donalbain during Act III and what have they been up to? 

They are in England seeking help from King Edward to raise an army to fight Macbeth. 


When Macbeth visits the witches, he sees three apparitions and receives three prophecies. What are the three prophecies?

Beware Macduff, Beware Birnam Wood, and no man born of woman will harm him. 


When considering the prophecies, why was Macduff able to defeat Macbeth?

Macduff was born from a c-section; therefore, he was not born naturally from a woman. 
