What prophecy do the witches give Banquo?
His descendents will be king.
Macbeth is Thane of which two places?
Glamis and Cawdor
Out, out, brief ______!
Candle / Macbeth
Why didn't Lady Macbeth murder Duncan?
He looked like her father.
Within ten years, when was Macbeth first performed?
What lie does Malcolm tell Macduff?
He's sinful.
Who is the Goddess of the crossroads, female rituals and dogs?
There's _______ in men's smiles.
Daggers / Donnalbain
What does Malcolm make the Thanes at the end of the play?
What two real places are missing from this prophecy:
Til ______ _______ come to ___________.
(Spelling optional)
Birnam Woods // Dunsinane
What is one of the prophecies given to Macbeth in Act 4?
-He's safe until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane
-No man borne of woman shall harm him
-Beware Macduff, Thane of Fife
Who is Banquo's son?
All the perfumes of ______ will not sweeten this little hand.
Arabia / Lady Macbeth
Which Greek thinker defined a tragic hero?
What philosophy is this?
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
What two reasons does Macbeth give for not killing Duncan?
-He's Duncan's host
-He's Duncan's sworn lord
Where does Donnalbain flee to?
Look like the innocent flower, but be the _______ underneath.
Serpent / Lady Macbeth
"Fair is foul and foul is fair" is what literary device?
What is the medieval hierarchical philosophy broken by killing Duncan?
Great Chain of Being
Who is the heroic sacrifice of the story?
Young Siward
Who is the saintly king of England who supports Malcolm?
Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full of the ____ (4 words)
Milk of human kindness / Lady Macbeth
Which is these is NOT a real Scottish Thane?
Lennox, Siward, Ross, Angus, Cawdor, Fife
Define hubris and catharsis
Blinding Pride / Release of Emotions