Criminal Justice & State facts

Probation Agents should supervise clients as a COACH or a REFEREE?

Who is a 


(See Dr. Brian Lovins research on the Coaching Model)


Total number of MN counties.  

What is 

87 Counties


MACCAC stands for

What is

Minnesota Association Community Corrections Act Counties


What is a Cognitive Behavioral Program? 

What is 

"Helps people change their thinking and behaviors to manage problems."  

CBT is a class of therapeutic interventions based on a common theory about the connection between our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs — cognitions — and our behavior. The core premise of CBT is simple: The way we think about situations shapes our choices, behavior and actions. 

(Plug on different examples of Cognitive Behavioral programs; (Decision Points, Moving On, Thinking for change, Mindfulness Social skills groups etc.)


How many State Parks are there in MN

What is 

64 State Parks

(Bonus 500 point to the team that can name 7 State Parks)


The acronym EBP in the Criminal Justice System stands for.  

What is

Evidence Based Practices


Current County Commissioner and President of AMC.

Who is

Neil Gaalswyk (Cass County)


The most recent County to transition to CCA.

What is 

Ottertail County 

(Effective 1/1/2025.  Also, acceptable -Isanti County effective 2023)


The 'Big Four' of the most impactful criminogenic risk factors are, 1. Negative Peers and associates, , 2. Criminal history, 3. Antisocial personality patterns and:

A. Lack of Employment

B. Substance abuse

C. Criminal attitudes and beliefs

D. Being a Packers Fan

What is:

Criminal Attitudes and Beliefs


Substance Abuse and lack of employment does impact criminogenic risk but are not one of the 'big four' of the most impactful such as a person's criminal thinking patterns and beliefs.  


How many actual lakes are there in MN?

What is

14,380 Lakes in MN (per the DNR)

(Bonus 500 points to the team that can name the County that has the most lakes. 1,048) 


Drug Courts have the greatest impact on this risk level of clients.  

A. Medium/High Risk

B. Low Risk

C. None are effective

What is 

Medium/High risk -High need clients.

Drug Courts do not have the greatest impact on low risk/low need offenders. Drug Courts are specifically designed to target high risk/high need offenders who have substance abuse issues and are involved in criminal activities. These offenders require intensive supervision, treatment, and support to address their underlying issues and reduce their likelihood of reoffending. Low risk/low need offenders, on the other hand, may not require the same level of intervention and can potentially be better served through alternative programs or community-based interventions.


The most Senior MACCAC Director.

Who is

Kathy Langer  


Theme of this year's 2024 MACCAC conference?

What is

Speaking our Truth


Who is considered the "Father of Probation" in the U.S?  

A. Benjamin Franklin

B. John Howard

C. John Augustus

D. John Howard

D. Texas

Who is

John Augustus

John Augustus, the "Father of Probation," is recognized as the first true probation officer. Augustus was born in Woburn, Massachusetts in 1785. By 1829, he was a permanent resident of Boston and the owner of a successful boot-making business. 


Name one of the current County Commissioners in Anoka County

Who is:

VACANT, District 1

Julie Braastad, District 2

Jeff Reinert, Vice chair, District 3

Scott Schulte, District 4

Mike Gamache, Chair, District 5

Julie Jeppson, District 6

Mandy Meisner, District 7


Dynamic risk factors that Probation agents focus on is sometimes called:

A. High Cholesterol Risk

B. Criminogenic Risk

C. Low Risk

D. Criminal History

What is

B. Criminogenic Risk

Prognostic risk refers to the assessment of an individual's likelihood of future negative outcomes or events. Criminogenic risk specifically focuses on the risk factors that contribute to criminal behavior or involvement in criminal activities. Therefore, criminogenic risk is an appropriate term to describe prognostic risk in the context of criminal behavior.


What is the most culturally diverse County in the State of Minnesota?

What is 

Nobles County

(2020 census. 50% of the population identify as people of color. Fastest diversifying County in the State.)


Name one of the two MACCAC Bocce Ball Referees.

Who is

Jon Ramlo and Becky Bales-Cramlet


What is the official Bird of Minnesota?

A. Mosquitos

B. Loons

C. Pigeons

D. Hummingbirds

What is

Loon (Official bird Since 1961)

(Bonus points to whoever can best mimic the sound of the Loon.)


What County is named after the Dakota word 'On or both sides?'  

What is:

Anoka County

(Two Native American nations used the word Anoka with different meanings. In the Dakota language, the word meant “on both sides,” referring to the point of land where the Rum and the Mississippi rivers put water “on both sides.” The Ojibwe language used Anoka as part of a phrase that meant “to work” or “to work the water.”)


High Risk/High Need probationers tend to be least responsive to punishment and most responsive to rewards.

A. True

B. False

What is

A. True

High Risk/High Need probationers refers to individuals who have a high risk of reoffending and have a high level of criminogenic needs, such as substance abuse or antisocial behavior. Research has shown that these individuals are typically less responsive to punishment alone and more responsive to a combination of punishment and rewards. This is because punishment alone may not address the underlying factors contributing to their criminal behavior, while rewards can provide positive reinforcement for pro-social behavior and motivate them to change. Therefore, it is true that High Risk/High Need probationers tend to be least responsive to punishment and most responsive to rewards. 


This County Commission is known for frequently wearing a stylish American flag tie.

Who is:  Commissioner Vance Stuehrenberg - District 2


What committee was created by statue to provide recommendations for statewide standards for community supervision, data collection and workload study? 

What is 

Community Supervision Advisory Committee (CSAC)

(Passed in 2022)


Charles Munroe Schultz was born in MN and was famous for creating what? 

A. MN Vikings Logo

B. The phrase "You Betcha"

C. The Character Snoopy/Peanuts

D. The TV show The Simpsons

What is:

The characters Snoopy/Peanuts


What 1992 sports movie starring Emelio Estevez was produced entirely in MN?

What is:

Mighty Ducks

(Parts were filmed in Stearns County historic Court House!)
