These are the names of the pets that live in Mackenzie's house.
who are Rigsby, Wrenna and Riley?
The state Mackenzie was born in.
What is California?
What is Mimi?
The name of Mackenzie's favorite sub.
Who is Mr. Pontes
This is Mackenzie's favorite breakfast place.
What is Blue Moon?
The name of the guinea pig that Mackenzie had.
Who is Baby Piggy?
In 2023 Mackenzie visited two different countries, name one.
What is Scotland or England?
The number of Taylor Swift concert's Mackenzie's mom has been to.
What is 3?
This is the name of Mackenzie's teacher.
Who is Mrs. Blair?
The name of Mackenzie's favorite restaurant.
What is Panda Express?
This is the type of pet Mackenzie would like to get for her birthday.
What is a rat?
The state Mackenzie's grandparents (Nick's parents) live in.
What is New York?
What is Arizona and California?
This is Mackenzie's favorite school lunch.
What is pancakes?
Pick Mackenzie's favorite dessert of out of the following: ice cream, cheesecake, cupcake
What is cheesecake?
This dog is Mackenzie's favorite dog
Who is Rigsby?
This is where Mackenzie took her favorite vacation. Clue: It's a different country and it's warm!
What is Cancun Mexico?
Other than pickle ball, this is Nick's favorite sport.
What is basketball?
This is Mackenzie's favorite special.
What is art?
Name the country Mackenzie wants to go to next out of the following: Sweden, Italy, Dominican Republic
What is Sweden
The Names of Taylor Swifts cats (full names)
Who are Olivia Benson, Meridith Grey and Benjamin Button?
The state where Mackenzie lost a tooth (other than Massachusetts).
Where is Wyoming?
The number of cousins Mackenzie has.
What is 4?
Name the one kid Mackenzie has been in class with every year since Kindergarten.
Who is Chase?
This is what Mackenzie wants to be when she grows up.
What is a zookeeper?