The number of participants who "influenced" our latest MyStyle campaign
What is seven
This epic campaign included athletes doing this Olympic sport off of 30 foot high cliffs
What is pole vaulting
This financial counseling service can get back on the right path
What is Greenpath?
This popular contest is the cutest of all contests
What is the baby photo contest ?
This type of meme never gets old and can also help manager your alerts
What are cat memes?
This high flying athlete balanced her way into not only one but two successful campaigns by flipping out in the desert
Who is Kari Lee
Hey sister, This newly coined phrase describes the act of getting thrice the rewards from our Visa card
What is triple rewardsing?
This favorite online tool of Mr. Miyagi let's you jump into budgeting.
What is Banzaii?
This number associated with the sun meaning happiness and luck is also the number of social ads running as of Aug 31st
What is 19
This canine star gets a kick out of using Zelle and will never eat from the table
Who is kicker?
This was a "hot" theme in our series of MyStyle spots including, first dates, college text books and spontaneously combustable purses
What is Fire?
This popular Elton John tune from the Lion King also was the main tagline for this lovely Visa balance transfer campaign
What is feel the love?
Worried about fraud? Check out the latest episode of this to get tips and tricks to stay safe
What is the Guiding you Forward podcast?
This artist is never getting back together but luckily was one of our best performing social media contests
Who is Taylor Swift?
This award winning retirement campaign no longer needs to be addressed but does have an incredible memory
What is the elephant in the room
Even though these siblings look alike, they don't necessarily act alike, or dress a like
Who are twins?
This "Voice" talent had the whole world in the palm of her hand
Who is Belle Jewel
This presentation will heighten your awareness of financial literacy four fold
What is The Four Peaks of Financial Success?
This MySyle Influencer's followers who are fondly referred to as "Fannie's" is also fond of our account alerts
Who is the Food Nanny?
These favorites of President Reagan should be used for guessing but not retirement planning
What are Jelly Beans?
In this first MyStyle spot this maternal hero wore a lot of different hats, including doctor, chef and cheerleader
Who is mom
Not quite the Grinch, the title of this spot saw his joy increase three fold when he discovered triple rewards and triple the puppies
What is the Grump?
This Connecticut born artist can often be found popping up in Cassandra's playlist or in a frame on her desk
Who is John Mayer?
The giveaway that started it off and launched us to the thrown of Credit Union social media, this popular show ensures a problem free philosophy
What is the Lion King?
This sweet, cupcake of a campaign promoted a unique product feature for a deposit product that was one of Sterling's favorites.
What is a bump certificate ?