the longest runing character
the first float of the parade
tom turkey
they were the first band of the parade in 2023
Alabama a&m
the first cheer in the parade
the macys cheer
hint: shes 57 years old
savannah guthrie
the first balloon in the parade
macys star balloon
the float has a screen on it
the peacock float
hint: they cheer during music
the spirt of america cheer
hint: shes 60 years old
hoda kotb
the heaviest character balloon
thomas the taank engine
hint: it went bankrupt but its in macys
the toys r us float
hint his 70 years old
Al roker
the balloon is a goldbear
this float is a likealde float and show
camp snoopy
the character balloon is an electric mouse
Pikachu andd Eveee
this float is aa gold turkey
the jennie o floaat