Which 2 areas are billed by the city?
Lodi and West Sacramento
Standard recovery timeframe for an MPU or RCN is the end of next business day (24-48 hours)
How do you process a service change request in 164A?
These area offers only Chargeable blk pu
Washoe, Reno, Sparks
How much time is needed to cancel a bulk pick up?
48 hours
What Cities are serviced in the ORO LOMA district?
San Leandro, San Lorenzo and Parts of Hayward
WM offers yard waste carts for all areas
In what city/SOS are drivers required to get out of the truck to service containers?
What city is currently doing a city wide container swap?
What resource do you use to see if a customer is in a WM area?
What service area has 5 different zones?
Bulk Pickups are offered in all areas
What day do we schedule a container swap?
The customers regular service day
An email is required when changing service or scheduling an XPU in what area?
Which case is entered to resume an account from write off status?
What 2 SOS's allow customers to put out 6 extra bags without stickers each week, during May and November?
Washoe County & Sparks
The SOS will always be the same and you should memorize it.
False, things change constantly and you should look at the SOS on every single call.
What area(s) in 164A have optional bulk overages?
Oro Loma L1, L2, L3
Butte County has how many Price groups?
4, 1 for each quadrant
What is the process to cancel a bulk pickup
Ask a Lead/Sup to email Dispatch to void the bulk ticket as long as they are calling within cancellation policy timeline (prior to 48 hrs of their appointment)
You will transfer what 3 areas to other departments/call centers?
Oakland, Incline Village, Carson City,
Hayward bulk are take all for overages
What do you need to go over when scheduling a bulk pickup?
Acceptable/Unacceptable items, set out time, overage costs, & cancellation policy
What area does not service bulks on Mon or Friday
You can check which screen in MAS to see if there was a rate increase.
Screen 10