How many M101 are in the army.
what are 5 M101s
Is Madagascar the 3d biggest island.
Are most of the plants and animals on Madagascar only on madagascar.
How many M-43 are in the army.
what are 8 M-43s
When did Madagascar get independence from France.
when was 1960.
Name five of the animals that live on Madagascar.
what are the panther chameleon, streaked tenrec, coelacanth, groupers, gilheads, tuna, sharks, sardines, crayfish, shrimps and more.
How many PG-55 are there.
what are 20 PG-55s
When did trade with France fall.
When was 1972
when did people think the coelacanth went extinct.
When was 30 years ago
How many m101s do they have.
What are 5 M101s.
What is the tree that Madagascar is known for.
What is the baobab tree
What do they farm to eat that made Madagascar a desert.
what is rice
How many ZPU-4s do they have.
What is 50 ZPU-4s
How tall are some of the tallest points above sea level.
what Is 2500 and 4500 above sea level
Do they farm vanilla big scale.