She likes pudding(true or false).
What is true?
What is 3.
Favorite color.
What is pink?
What is two?
Would she rather cats or dogs?
What is cats?
For lunch, the place she mostly gets her food from.
What is cafeteria?
The amount of cats the live outside Maddies home and she feeds them and they are related to Merlin.
What is 2?
The two colors Maddies wall is painted.
What is pink and white?
The instrument Maddie plays.
What is violin?
Would she rather iPhone or Samsung?
What is iPhone?
Favorite food.
What is crab legs(lasagna is a good answer too but is not the current answer)?
The names of all 5 cats that Maddie feeds indoors and outdoors.
What is Merlin, Autumn, Oliver, Emman, and Corry?
The color of Maddies main binder.
What is purple?
The colors of the water bottle Maddie usually uses.
What is blue and turquoise?
Would she rather ice cream or pizza?
What is ice cream?
Favorite restuarant.
What is Panera Bread or Red Lobster?
How old Autumn is.
What is 9?
What is turquoise(blue is also a valid answer)?
The amount of doors in Maddies home(not including closet doors).
What is 13?
Would she rather normal bed or loft bed?
What is normal bed?
Why Maddie likes her favorite food.
What is because she was introduced to her favorite food when she was on vacation at the vacation place she goes to every other year?
The amount of lbs. Oliver weighs.
What is 13?
The color of Maddies right big toe nail polish color.
What is it's not even painted?
The brand of computer Maddie has that was $600 but Shannon broke.
What is Asus?
Would she rather broccoli or brusell sprouts?
What is brusell sprouts?