whats my favorite color
#1 artist at the moment
motionless in white
what time do i wake up
any answer that is in between 8:30 and 9:30
what is my biggest dream
the learn as much about history as i can
my all time favorite monster high character
favorite animal
all cats
favorite member of bts
on average, what time do i go to sleep ?
about 1 am
what is my most reoccurring nightmare
zombie apocalypse/ end of the world
my most played game
the sims 4
favorite season
least favorite genre
name one of my favorite tv shows
jeopardy / ahs / quantum leap / twilight zone
what’s my biggest fears
must get at least 2
failure, death, height, the unknown
what is my favorite ballet
hint, it’s connected to my favorite composer
swan lake
favorite historical era
favorite composer
my top movie
the perks of being a wallflower or the dead poet society
what do i want in my house one day
a secret library
which g3 mop characters are my favorite
get at least one
minty and wisteria
favorite childhood toy
monster high
most streamed artist 2020
lana del rey
madeline miller
if i could live anywhere, where would i live ?
edinburgh scotland
my favorite historical figure
catherine the great, empress of russia