Who said the phrase "never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"
Rick Astley.
Who is the "Greatest Decoy" in Haikyui
is fortnite dead?
Who is the voice actor of sokka.
Jack De Sena
who says the phrase "put your videos on"?
Mrs. Hulapka
Who Said the phrase, "Catch me outside how about that."
Who is the setter in haikyui.
Kageyama (i don't know if I spelled that right- Eltaf
What has a bank but no money
A River Bank XD
Who is the voice actor of katara
Mae Whitman
who is the person in the class who loves Percy Jackson.
when was the "OOF" sound made? (Extra 100 points if you can say the name of the person who made it.)
1999, (Tommy Tallarico)
Who is the ace of Kurasano?
Asahi Azumane
What is white when it's dirty
A ChalkBoard
Who "was" the voice actor of Aang
Zach Tyler Eisen
who in the class is the best drawer
Who invented SHEEEESH
What team does oikawa play on
Alba johsai
What has a ring but no finger
A telephone.
Who was the voice actor of Tenzin
J. K. Simmons
Who talks in chat the most
kymora Try
Who invented the pog face?
Ryan Gutierrez
What is hinita's special move called?
Quick attack
What kind of dog never bites
A hot dog
Is Bumi a Character in Avatar the Last Airbender.
can you zoom into the zoom that is inside zoom.
no (i just completely made that up)