Techno Wizards
New Books Cart

What two things do I need to enter the library for work?

A green screen on your healthy together app, and a MASK :)

Where do we go on Workflows to find specific information such as location, if there's a hold, etc.

Pull up the item's record either in "Item Search and Display" or "Check Item Status", and then click on the "Call Number/Item tab". You could also pull up the detailed display for the record and click the same tab.

A student wants to check out an item from Ancient Studies. What should I do? 

They can’t without special permission.


When drafting an email to a patron via outlook, this is the person you should always BCC.

Who is Mary?


Where is the new book repair shelf?

The 3rd floor hallway east of the central stairs and right next to the north elevators


What is our policy for encouraging patrons to wear masks?

We do not need to approach patrons who are non-compliant, but if we feel strongly, we may gently remind them that masks must be worn at all times.


This is what I should do if I need to update or import bookmarks.

What is going to the instructions for both desk folder and using the .html file Adam made?


Someone would like to check out a display item. How do I go about helping them do that?

Try entering the override password after attempting to check it out like normal. If that doesn't work, discharge and then check it out to them.


How long is the break you're allowed during a 4 hour shift?

10 minutes :) ON THE CLOCK :)


What do we do with HumRef books on the new book cart?

Put green label cover over the call number. After 24 hour review period, shelve them.

When should we be sanitizing our hands during patron interactions?

Before and after circulating items to them. We can also wear gloves if desired.


We charge patrons on the new pharos web interface by doing this.

What is making sure the charge patron box is marked before releasing a job?


Where do we take items that need to be discharged?

The table at circ with the checkered tape down the middle (left side of the tape) 


I’m covering hours for someone so I end up working 5 hours in a row. What kind of break should I take?

30 minute off the clock


What label do we put in catalogue raisonnes and design annuals?



Computer stations in our area need to be wiped down this many times and with this brand of wipes.

What is three times a day and Zehn-x wipes?


You can scan and send about this many pages to a patron requesting certain portions from a reference book.

What is about 10 pages?


T/F- we use the green “staff picks” cards and CD dummies in the shelves for PN media staff picks.

False :)


I realize on Monday that I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday that will conflict with my shift. Where do I post my schedule change request?

The google site. If no one who sees it there can take it, you would send a group me the day before


What do we do with exhibition catalogues during and after the review period?

We leave the green worldwide book slips in them!


The plexiglass barriers are cleaned with these two items.

What are plexiglass cleaner spray and microfiber rag


A patron emails asking for copies of a few scores to be sent to them. Can you do this?



How long can faculty check out items from ancient studies?

2 weeks


I see that someone has posted a schedule change request but I don’t have time to cover it. Do I even respond?

Yes! Please respond to everything. Even just commenting your name is fine if the issue is resolved.


The 24 hour review period for the new books cart has passed, what do I do with it (including the slips)?

Shelve hum books and make sure they have green tape on the barcodes, take books to book repair, take librarian cards out, check display books out to display, take cart to sorting shelf area that best corresponds with most of the call #’s on it.
