Nursing Assistant Role
Chronic Diseases
Chronic Diseases
Chronic Diseases

An illness or condition that a person has for the rest of their lives; it is long term or long-lasting.

What is chronic condition?


Due to the normal aging process, older adults do not perspire as often and have drier skin so the nursing assistant can do these things during cares.

What is provide partial/sponge baths daily and complete baths twice a week and use lotions as ordered?


A condition in which abnormal cells grow in an uncontrolled way usually in the form of a tumor on or in the body. 

What is cancer?


Action the nursing assistant should take if a resident's nitroglycerin patch comes off.

What is inform/report to the nurse?


People with breathing difficulty are more comfortable in this position.

What is sitting up/Fowler's?


Difficulty swallowing that may be caused by a stroke.

What is dysphagia?


The best way to provide oral care for residents/patients with cancer.

What is help residents brush regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush, be gentle, do not use commercial mouthwashes but use other types of rinses as ordered (like baking soda and water)?


Common symptoms of this chronic disease include: excessive thirst, extreme hunger, and frequent urination.

What is diabetes?


Most common type of diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the body fails to properly use insulin (insulin resistance). 

What is Type 2 diabetes?


The best response a NA can provide if a resident/patient with cancer expresses fear about their condition. 

What is "I understand you're scared. Do you feel like talking?"


Trouble communicating thoughts through speech or writing.

What is expressive aphasia?


Some of the ways a nursing assistant can help a person with HIV/AIDS who has numbness, tingling and pain in the legs and feet. 

What are use of a bed cradle and wearing loose, soft slippers?


A condition in which bones can break easily.

What is osteoporosis?


Complications to prevent by carefully controlling diabetes.  

What are eye damage that can cause vision loss and blindness, kidney and nerve damage, poor wound healing, heart attack and stroke, insulin reaction and diabetic ketoacidosis?


Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune illness in which this body system attacks other normal body tissues like joint tissues?

What is the immune system?


Paralysis on one side of the body.

What is hemiplegia?


Proper foot care for a resident with diabetes would include.

What is regular, daily inspection of the feet to check for irritation or sores, and comfortable, supporting and well-fitting shoes? 


Symptoms and treatment of an asthma attack.

What are SOB, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing; inhalers


The measures that the nursing assistant can take to help someone with a weakened immune system.

What are the following: infection prevention like handwashing, clean environment, help with personal hygiene, encourage proper nutrition, nutrition and sleep; check temperature per care plan. 


A condition in which a resident/patient has a shuffling gait, stooped posture, pill-rolling, mask-like facial expression, and tremors. 

What is Parkinson's disease?


Weakness on one side of the body.

What is hemiparesis?


Guidelines and interventions for treatment of diabetes.

What are special diet including regulating carbohydrate intake, regular meal times, regular exercise program, blood sugar tests, medications and foot care?

The health care provider that works with a resident/patient with dysphagia.

What is a speech therapist?


When a person has end stage renal failure the procedure to artificially remove waste products from the body.

What is dialysis?


Residents/patients with CHF may have to take these medications that cause them to have to urinate more frequently. 

What are diuretics?
