GNAP stands for
Greeting, Name, Association, Purpose
Technically one of the easiest soft skills to do if you have ears, but most people have the hardest time doing it properly
Active Listening
A Maine Adventure
Customer service, clean and freshen pet hair, shave trim, style, pet hygiene, on your feet, attention to detail
Pet Groomer
Along with your application, employers usually ask for this document when you apply for a job. It has your contact information, work experience, education, and special skills.
Work It Out Wednesdays focus on this soft skill
Team Building
Four cousins from Maine started this coffee shop chain in 2000. Everyone is in a RUSH to get there!
Aroma Joe's
In demand in the fall, this tradesman caters to many hunters and farmers
Tar Heel
North Carolina
Name two online places you can look for a job
Indeed, company web sites, college web sites, Serving Schools (other answers may be accepted)
Showing up on time, getting tasks done efficiently, following directions are part of this soft skill
Founded in 1912 by a man named Leon, this outdoor brand is headquartered in Freeport $$$
L.L. Bean
Some job duties include installing stone, restoring stone work (like chimneys or walls), cutting brick, designing and building fireplaces
Names you supply an employer that they can call to see what kind of worker you are
Prioritizing your day, making lists, keeping a planner are all part of this soft skill
Time management
Sandwich shop started on India Street in Portland in 1902 that is the home of the Italian sandwich. There are now 49 shops in ME, NH, and VT (the closest to us being in Waterville)
Madison alumna Grace Libby went to the Aveda Institute and is now highly requested to travel to weddings and perform what trade
Hair stylist
New York
Name three characteristics of a good GNAP
Eye contact, firm handshake, body posture, good voice volume, clear words, personal space
One of the most difficult soft skills to master because the situations are never the same, you handle disagreements sensibly, fairly, and efficiently
Conflict management
Founded in 1874, this Millbridge farm in Washington county sends fruit all over the world
Wyman's Blueberries
With Maine having the highest concentration of woods in the country at 90%, this trade supports 5,600 workers in this trade
Rhode Island