Potpourri of Properties
Guess My Number
What's My Operation
Algebra and Missing Factors
This property states that any factor times zero is equal to zero. 3 x 0 = 0
What is the Zero Property of Multiplication?
I am a two-digit number. I have a 1 in the tens place. You say me when you count by 10s.
What is 10?
A crayon company recently changed its labels. It currently has 105 crayons with the old label and 281 crayons with the new label. How many crayons does the company have in stock?
Addition: 386 crayons
b x 2 = 10
b = 5
This property is works in addition and multiplication and it lets a number stay the same. In multiplication: 3 x 1 = 3; In addition 4 + 0 = 4.
What is The Identity Property?
I have a 2 in the ones place. I am greater than 25 but less than 39.
What is 32?
Dana and Vivian jumped on the couch a combined total of 693 times. Then the couch broke, and they both got in big trouble. If Dana jumped on the couch 21 times, how many times did Vivian jump on it?
Subtraction: 672 times
j x 4 = 16
j = 4
This property says that you can change the order of the numbers you multiply or add, and your product or sum will stay the same. For example: 4 x 2 = 8 and 2 x 4 = 8.
What is the Commutative Property?
I am an odd number. You do not say me when you count by fives. I am greater than 81 but less than 86.
What is 83?
Over the years, Camille's dog chewed through 472 dog bones and 308 stuffed animals. How many toys did the dog ruin?
Addition: 780 toys
k x 3 = 24
k = 8
This property say that you can change the grouping of the numbers you add or multiply. For example: (1 + 9) + 5 = 1 + (9 + 5).
What is the Associative Property?
I am an odd number. You do not say me when you count by fives. I am greater than 94 but less than 99.
What is 97?
For a joke competition, 10 people each told 5 jokes. How many jokes were told in all?
Multiplication: 50 jokes
n x 9 = 63
n = 7
This property of multiplication says that you can break apart a factor in multiplication to make it easier to multiply. For example 3 x 8 = (3 x 3 ) + (3 x 5)
What is the Distributive Property?
I am an even number. I have two digits. When you add my two digits you get the number 3. Zero is not one of my digits.
What is 12?
Students from 5 schools wrote letters to the local newspaper. Each school had 3 students participate. If every student wrote 4 letters, how many letters did they write in all?
Multiplication: 60 letters
2 x 6 = n x 3
n = 4