What is the name of the fourth American President?
Goat's milk is deficient in what vitamin?
What are 2 other names for the "Mid-Autumn Festival"?
Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节 zhōng qiū jié)
Moon Festival (月亮节 yuè liàng jié)
Mooncake Festival (月饼节 yuè bǐng jié)
Reunion Festival (团圆节 tuán yuán jié)
August Festival (八月节 bā yuè jié)
Autumn Festival (仲秋节zhòng qiū jié)
Lantern Festival
What year did Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon?
Love Yourself - Justin Bieber
Which four presidents are on Mount Rushmore?
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt
What does PEG tube stand for
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
What is the "correct" way to eat mooncake?
All family members share 1 mooncake
It’s not “one for each person”. According to traditional customs, the right way to eat mooncakes is that the mooncake symbolizing the full moon is cut into pieces and shared by all family members, one piece for each family member. If there are family members who are not in home, the parents should store the mooncake pieces that belong to them and wait till they come home to taste it.
Which band released the album "Dark Side of the Moon"
Pink Floyd
Pink Venom - Blackpink
This area was known as the "land between two rivers" and was the "cradle of civilization."
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a temporary heart condition that develops in response to an intense emotional or physical experience.
Where does the word "takotsubo" originate from? What is the meaning?
The word 'takotsubo' comes from the name of a pot used by Japanese fishermen to trap octopuses.
The Mid-Autumn festival originated in which Dynasty period?
Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD)
What 2 planets have NO moons?
Mercury, Venus
Can't Feel My Face - The Weeknd
Name 4 of Zeus' 6 children
Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, Ares, and Aphrodite.
How much contrast is used in an MRA of the brain?
The Mid-Autumn Festival USED to be celebrated similarly to what American holiday?
Valentine's Day
In Chinese mythology, the God of the Moon is in charge of love and marriage. So the festival to worship the moon is originally a festival to pray for love and happy marriage.
In Pokemon, the Moonstone can evolve one Pokemon to another. Name two of those evolution pairs
September - Earth, Wind & Fire
Name the 3 of 4 countries where the civilization of the Incas flourished
Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile
What does the S in Protein S deficiency stand for?
Protein S is named for Seattle, Washington, where it was originally discovered and purified
What is the name of China's Lunar Exploration Program?
Chang'e Project
The Chinese Lunar Exploration Program is also known as the Chang'e Project after the Chinese moon goddess Chang'e.
The lunar probes, Chang'e 1 to Chang'e 5, and robotic lunar rovers, Yutu (玉兔, yùtù; lit. Jade Rabbit) and Yutu-2.