easily bent
What is the plural form of "baby"?
Tell me a sport that was mention in story "Technology Wins the Game"
Basketball, Tennis, Track and Field
When you write a cause-and-effect paragraph, what are the three things you need?
1. topic sentence
2. body paragraph
3. concluding statement
something that causes harm or pain
The two players ______ against each other to win.
What is the plural irregular noun of the sentence: Those women are sports engineers.
What did athletes use to run a long time ago?
barefoot or sandals
Name three "linking words" when writing cause-and-effect paragraphs
so, because, since, if
a person who is trained in or is good at physical exercises, games or sports
All members of a team ______ to the team's success by doing their job.
What is the mistake?
The hunter caught a goose and cooked it for dinner.
What are two ways sports engineers help athletes?
1. they keep athletes safe from injuries
2. they design better materials, surfaces and equipment
What is the linking word for this sentence:
Soccer shoes have cleats so that players can change directions quickly.
to get better or make something better
Some ____ make plans for roads, and others build computers or other machines.
True or False: There are rules to change irregular nouns to make them plural
How is a sports engineer different from an engineer?
scientists who make sports more fun to play and to watch
What is the effect of this sentence:
If you stretch every day, you will become more flexible.
you will become more flexible
the weight or force of something pushing against something else
There are two pilots on a plane to _______ a safe flight in case one pilot gets sick or hurt.
What are the two rules when changing a regular noun to a plural noun?
2. for a noun that ends with f, change the f to v and add -es
What are the four steps engineers take to come up with an invention?
1. find the problem
2. find a solution
3. model
4. test
Tell me the cause of this sentence:
Since I have a foot injury, I can't compete in the race today.
Foot injury