Past and Future Perfect Tense
Present Progressive Tense
Subject and Verb Agreement
By six o'clock tomorrow night, I _______ taken five tests. a) had b) will have c) will had d) has
b) will have
These days, Japanese fishermen _______ whales in the Pacific Ocean. a) are hunting b) was hunting c) were hunting d) is hunting
a) are hunting
Tim and Tiffany ___ pet food from the store across from their house when their pet food runs out. a) buy b) buys c) buying d) bought
a) buy
Choose the correct sentence. a) Paris, the capital of France, is the most populous city in the country. b) Seoul, the capital city of South Korea is also the largest city in the country. c) Boston the largest city in the state of Massachusetts is one of the oldest cities in the United States. d) Los Angeles the largest city in the state of California, is the second biggest city, in the United States.
a) Paris, the capital city of France, is the most populous city in the country.
What is Ms. Olivia's favorite color? a) pink b) green c) blue d) gold
b) green
He ______ finished training for the race by next month. a) had b) will have c) has d) will had
b) will have
The lions "were taking" a nap after they had feasted on their meals. a) past progressive tense b) future progressive tense c) present progressive tense
a) past progressive tense
Either my grandfather or my father _____ going to buy me a motorcycle for my birthday. a) are b) am c)were d) is
d) is
Choose the correct sentence. a) Monaco a small city-state is located in southwestern Europe. b) Hawaii, a state of the United States is located in the Pacific Ocean. c) Berlin the capital city of Germany has a population, of over 3.4 million people. d) Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, has a population of over 10 million people.
d) Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, has a population of over 10 million people.
Today is Mr. Austin's last day at Poly! He will be flying back to the United States this summer. What state is Mr. Austin from? a) Florida b) California c) Pennsylvania d) Arizona
d) Arizona
Which sentence is written in the past perfect tense? a) Michael finished his breakfast quickly. b) Bran will have started school in the fall. c) Harry has read all the books in the library. d) Dad had repaired the bicycle by the time Tom got home.
d) Dad had repaired the bicycle by the time Tom got home.
Which is the correct sentence? a) The environmentalists are protesting outside the building. b) Jake will be buying a new car last year. c) Tom was teaching chemistry at the university next semester. d) I am watching the news last night when I found out that there was an earthquake in Japan.
a) The environmentalists are protesting outside the building.
Neither nor the coach nor the players ___ happy with the outcome of the game yesterday. a) was b) were c) is d) am
b) were
Choose the correct sentence. a) Barack Hussein Obama the 44th president of the United States, was born on August 4, 1961. b) Thomas Edison an American inventor developed many useful things such as the motion picture camera, and the electrical light bulb. c) Elizabeth Taylor, a British-American actress, was famous for her beauty and acting. d) Walt Disney an American film producer is one of the founders of the Walt Disney Company.
c) Elizabeth Taylor, a British-American actress, was famous for her beauty and acting.
Mr. Billy will be returning to Poly on Monday. What is the first name, Billy, short for? a) William b) Bobby c) Brandon d) Harry
a) William
Which sentence is written in future perfect tense? a) Sally will graduate from college next year. b) Sally had graduated from college. c) Sally has graduated from college. d) Sally will have graduated from college by next year.
d) Sally will have graduated from college by next year.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. a) Mike will be going to Bob's wedding last Thursday. b) I am helping Mom cook breakfast, so I could not watch the morning news. c) Tom and Becky will be fishing by the pond yesterday. d) Mike was traveling in Asia when I last heard from him.
d) Mike was traveling in Asia when I last heard from him.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. a) Steve and Bill is actors in the new movie together. b) The total weight of these boxes is 20 kilograms. c) Either Superman or Batman are going to save the woman in this cartoon. d) Neither the singer nor the director of the concert were impressed with the sound system.
b) The total weight of these boxes is 20 kilograms.
Choose the correct sentence. a) Bill Clinton a former president of the United States was born in Arkansas. b) Mother Teresa, an Albanian Roman Catholic nun, became a hero to many poor people in India. c) Marie Curie a professor at the University of Paris, received two Nobel Prizes. d) Christopher Columbus an explorer, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
b) Mother Teresa, an Albanian Roman Catholic nun, became a hero many poor people in India.
How big is the size of your heart? a) soccer ball b) size of your fist c) a green pea d) Earth-size
b) size of your fist
Which sentence is written in the future perfect tense? a) It had started to rain when I left the office. b) The author will have written the book by Tuesday. c) Ryan has been very sick since last week d) Teresa and Anna will compose a new essay tomorrow.
b) The author will have written the book by Tuesday.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. a) Four dolphins are following our boat when we were sailing across the Pacific Ocean. b) I heard Mary was volunteering at the homeless shelter next weekend. c) Becky will be cooking dinner when I call her later. d) Sam will be camping in the mountains, so you can't talk to him now.
c) Becky will be cooking dinner when I call her later.
Choose the correct sentence. a) The singer of these songs were originally from Singapore. b) Neither Bob nor Freddy like pizza. c) Mr. and Mrs. Smith go swimming at the beach every summer. d) Either Sally or Jake are going to clean the car this weekend.
c) Mr. and Mrs. Smith go swimming at the beach every summer.
Choose the correct sentence. a) Tahiti, the largest of all the French Polynesian islands, is also known as O'Tahiti. b) Shanghai the largest city in China has a population of over 20 million people. c) Baghdad the capital city of Iraq, has a population of, over 6.5 million people. d) Moscow the capital of Russia has the largest metropolitan area of any city in Europe.
a) Tahiti, the largest of all the French Polynesian islands, is also known as O'Tahiti.
Who will be your next MAG4 Reading teacher? a) Ms. Nancy b) Ms. Sarah c) Mr. Jason d) Mr. Billy
a) Ms. Nancy