Who usually names the animals on their adventures?
What kind of animal do Jack and Annie bring to Merlin?
an emperor penguin
What did Merlin do when Penny stared at him and said "Peep!"?
He started to laugh
What does Jack name the penguin?
Who is Nancy?
A bus driver and guide
What kind of scientist did Jack and Annie learn about having compassion for all living things?
An ocean scientist
Who gave Jack and Annie a rhyme to search for the last secret to happiness?
What did Jack do to try and cover up the peep from the penguin?
He pretended to cough
Name two rules for Antarctica
Never touch wildlife
Stay with others
Go slow
Don't interfere with the nature
What was the penguin in the cave wearing?
a crown
What does Morgan say is the fourth secret to happiness?
Taking care of another person
What happened when Jack and Annie were walking back to the hut?
They crashed through a deep crack in the ice
Where does Jack say he and Annie work when everyone is saying their job on the Antarctica bus?
They work for the Frog Creek Times
What is a petrel?
A vulture
Who is waiting in the tree house for Jack and Annie before their adventure?
Kathleen and Teddy