Magical Realism is most known in what region?
Latin America
True or False: Magical Realism is the same as fantasy
What classic novel by L. Frank Baum tells the story of a young girl who gets swept away in a tornado to a magical land with witches/wizards, where she must find her way home
The Wizard of OZ
What magical realist Pixar film is about a rat who becomes a chef through a clumsy kitchen worker
What group of people embraced magical realism as a genre?
When did magical realism become a solidified literary style?
The 1960s.
What genres is Magical Realism considered to be in?
Fiction, Film, and Visual art
What is the novel series by the author Rick Riordan that blends Greek mythology with the real world?
Percy Jackson
True or False: Is "Edward Scissorhands" magical realism?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez won what prize?
The Nobel Prize in Literature
Who first used the term magical realism to describe the works of Latin American authors?
Angel Flores.
How is Magical Realism different from Fantasy?
Fantasy is an "escape from reality" whilst Magical Realism highlights the aspect of reality
Laura Esquivel wrote what famous magical realism book?
What popular film (and novel) series is considered fantasy but gets confused as magical realism?
Harry Potter
Where does the word "magic" came from?
It comes from an old Persian word maguš
Who coined the term, "Magical Realism"
Frans Roh
What are 3 elements of Magical Realism?
Realistic setting, magical/supernatural events treated as ordinary, & a sense of mystery
The Author of the book, "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Name the live-action film where a young girl discovers a hidden fantasy world within a mysterious house
Pan's Labyrinth
Name 1 other magic realist author besides the ones mentioned
Haruki Murakami, Salman Rushdie, Toni Morrison, Laura Esquivel, Neil Gaiman
When was the term magical realism coined?
What are the 3 effects of Magical Realism?
Time isn't linear, causality is subjective, and the magical and the ordinary are the same
What novel by Isabel Allende blends historical events with magical realism by telling the story of a family over generations, starting with the mysterious death of a young woman?
The House of Spirits
This 2003 film has a young girl in India who befriends a magical tiger who communicates and helps her navigate a world of personal/political turmoil, what is it called?
The Life of Pi
True or False: Was Franz Roh a photographer?