The number of emotions MagmaDude8905 has
What is 5
(Normal, Happy, Sad, Angry, and Scared)
An atom is built up of these 3 subatomic particles
What are Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
The first PNGTuber MagmaDude8905 used
What is a cat with shades/sunglasses
MagmaDude8905's Favorite Shooter
What is Overwatch 2
MagmaDude8905's favorite character in Overwatch 2
Who is Junkrat
The artist behind the updated MagmaDude8905 PNG
Who is 3chodot
This is one of the seven diatomic elements on the periodic table
What are Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, or Iodine
The topic of the first TikTok MagmaDude8905 tried and failed to create
What is the ugly baby from Cult of The Lamb
MagmaDude8905's Favorite Roguelike
What is Cult of the Lamb
MagmaDude8905's favorite candy
What is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
(Bonus 100: ^ but in different shapes)
The chemical instrument that creates MagmaDude8905's head
What is a Erlenmeyer flask
The atomic symbol for the element Manganese
What is Mn
The first game ever played on stream
What is Deepest Sword
What is Prey
This special card was pulled by Multilaserman on stream worth $40 at PSA 10
What is Gold Nest Ball
Is MagmaDude8905's tie real?
(include what is is if your answer is no)
What is No, it's a T-Shirt print
Balance this Chemical Equation:
2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
What is:
Trick Question. This equation is already balanced
The "Great War" was a battle between these two viewers
Who is Pikamanuel and Animated_Tiger
What is Deadlock
The number of games on my desktop at this moment in time
What is 15
The color of the pen in MagmaDude8905's pocket
What is Blue/Navy
The electronegativity of a noble gas
What is None, they have a full outer shell, and thus no electronegativity
This person was the cause of rule 7 in the Periodic Table of Rules
This was a game MagmaDude8905 was attacked by a cockroach during it's stream
What is Titanfall 2
The color of my shirt right now
What is light blue?