Transformational Leadership
Structural Empowerment
New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements
Exemplary Professional Practice
General Magnet

What is the name of your CNO?

Michelle Romano


Describe interprofessional relationships and collaboration?

Daily rounding with the team, Palliative Care/Footprints--Care Conferences, Collaboration with PT/OT on daily schedules, routines, Child Life for procedures and siblings,  Social Work, Nutrition, etc..


What are our policies and procedures based on?  

Evidence-based practice - all new and revised policies are vetted through current published evidence


What opportunities do you have to be involved in unit decisions? hospital decisions?

-Team meetings, Idea cards, TCU specific quarterly survey--stoplight board, UPC-TAG (Members--Laurie, Kaleigh, Andrea, Anne, Jill, Kelly, Morgan, Marilyn, Alexandra), Getting new white boards from TAG input

-Charge nurses go to huddles with each other and nursing supervisor to discuss staffing and safety-committees like HACs


What is something that frustrates you?

?? Just know you can share frustrations but also mention what you do about this to voice your concern, hierarchy of situations, surveys, etc.  


What guides your practice at Cardinal Glennon?

Our Nursing Professional Practice Model (I am a Professional, Advocate, Accountable, Partner, Leader)


Provide an example of an improvement that resulted from nurses participating in a decision making team?

Night Shift council - MicroMart

TLC splints for IV's

Nurse driven order set for PIVIE's

HAPI reduction with respiratory devices

PIVIE and CLABSI education on magnet QR codes on white boards

Feedback/Ideas for new hospital

How do you use standards of care, nursing research results, or best practices to improve nursing care on your unit?

Best practice alerts (review how BPA's get triggered), Krames (Ignite), Up to Date, Mosby skills, etc. 


What resources do you have on night shift?

Charge Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, TCU-trachs, 4N-ports (knowing which unit specialize or can help), Critical Care Response Nurse, Night Shift Council 


How do you provide peer feedback and how to you recieve?

Yearly with evals, with manager and in the moment during shift hand off/safe start.  During event reporting/reviews, ACA's,  k-cards, debriefs post events, 


What are nursing's strategic goals?

Improve performance in nurse sensitive indicators like HAC's, develop professional practice (encouraging certifications, clinical ladder, EBP, conferences, furthering your degree


How does Cardinal Glennon support and encourage continuing education and professional development?

Tuition reimbursement, Nurses Learn Nurses Lead Scholarships (to use towards completion of BSN or certifications - Anne), Certification Review courses, "No Pass, No Pay" for Certified Pediatric Nurse certification (share TCU %), financial support of conference attendance, clinical ladder funds to use towards professional development


What resources do you have to assist you with EBP/nursing research?

cohorts twice a year, Dr. Amba-Nurse Scientist, library on SSM intranet--free access to articles

What does the Care Delivery System look like on your unit?

Relationship Based Care---relationship with yourself, your patient, your team and the hospital.  


How do you effect the budget?

Productivity (staffing plan, using lunches, efficient hand off)

Supplies (only taking what is needed into a room)


How do nursing leaders use input from frontline team members to influence change?

Frontline nurses bring feedback to leaders and leaders bring to committees they are on--nursing leadership, tiered leadership huddle, etc.  


How is clinical competency validated?

"Donna Wright" model of yearly competencies chosen by UPC (TAG), which includes validation of skill performance in real-time



What resources are available to help you provide culturally sensitive care?

interpreter resources, DEI council for employees--also working on patient sensitive concerns (hair care initiative)

What internal experts exist to help you in your practice?

Infection Prevention, Ethics, RT, Pharmacy, Wound Care, Critical Response, etc..


What opportunities do you have for professional development?  

certifications, advancing degree (tuition reimbursement), free CEU's through LMS, webinars, EBP cohorts, lunch and learns, 

How do you report safety concerns?

event reporting on patients, near misses, workplace violence reporting and AVADE classes started this year

OFI-for grievance from family/patient

Code BERT, security rounding 

also charge nurse, then nurse manager, director, (chain of command)


How does Cardinal Glennon support effective transition of nurses into the practice environment?

Nurse Extern-----Nurse residency program (GN), ongoing mentoring by mentor, charge nurse, educator, manager, preceptors


What patient satisfaction items are you working on?

rounding by all, charge, nurse navigators, leaders and ancillary leaders; (focusing on medication side effects and feeling informed/part of the medical plan), 

also in process of getting new white boards to keep families updated


How are nurses involved in addressing and resolving ethical issues?

Ethics consult (any team member), ethics committee, Ethics committee chair is now proactive rounding every other week to review situations--make recommendations (debriefs with ethics and if needed pastoral care); ethics lunch and learns

How do you get results from employee surveys?

Team newsletter, Team meetings, Town Halls, Unit practice council 

The last nurse survey was in Fall of 2021 but we take the employee voice survey quarterly as well as new for 2024 TCU is doing a TCU specific quarterly survey.  
