Magnet Basics
SE - Domain
TL - Domain
NK - Domain
EPP - Domain
Councils 101

The organization that developed the Magnet Recognition Model to recognize healthcare organizations that provide nursing excellence and disseminate successful nursing practices & strategies.

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) - a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association.


Decision-making bodies empowering nurses to identify problems, causes, solutions and support autonomous nursing decisions.

What are Shared Decision-making (SDC)Councils?


A professional practice model (PPM)

What describes the way you deliver care to patients?


The integration of the best research evidence into nursing practice. 

What is Evidence-Based Practice?



A collegial, systematic, and periodic process by which we provide feedback to each other on our practice.

What is Peer Feedback?


An attendee at your council meetings who will be inquiring about exemplar Sources of Evidence

What is a Master Builder?  


(1) Transformational Leadership

(2), Structural Empowerment

(3) Exemplary Professional Practice

(4) New Knowledge, Innovations & Improvements

(5) Empirical Outcomes

What are the components/pillars of the Magnet Model?


The nurse continuously improves his/her practice and self through education and training.

What is Professional Development?


(1) Strategic Planning

(2) Nursing Leadership Advocacy & Influence

(3) CNE Visibility, Accessibility, & Communication.

What are characteristics of the Transformational Leadership Domain?


A new process or a new way to apply or use an existing process

What is innovation?


Our visual representation of exemplary professional practice in relation to our beliefs, values, and framework guiding our nursing practice.

What is the Professional Practice Model?


1. Quality and Safety

2. Coordinating Council

3. Evidence-based Practice/Research & Innovation

4. Ambulatory/Inpatient professional Practice

What are the 4 Main umbrella Councils in the BPK SDC structure?


Results/evidence validated by data to show that real change has occurred because of a particular action.

What are Empirical Outcomes (EOs)?


A collaborative communication structure that facilitates frontline nurses' involvement in decision-making at both the unit- and organizational-level; this structure promotes communication between frontline nursing staff and nursing leadership.

What is Professional Governance?


Leaders, scientists, innovators, compassionate care, boldly transforming, improving health of communities and nation.

What is the KP Nursing Vision Statement?


Systematic process to discover what is known about a topic.

What is a literature review?


A standard against which we measure an outcome.

What is a Benchmark?


Magnet exemplar stories associated with the councils Magnet pillar alignment and discussion on the 2021 ANA Scope and Standards of Practice.

What are 2 new standardized agenda items to be completed at all Council meetings?


A measurable outcome determined or influenced by the quality of nursing care. 

What is a Nursing-Sensitive Indicator?


A partnership program designed to encourage nurses to develop their skills through education and National certification.

What is Ben Hudnle?


A list of focus areas and corresponding goals demonstrating how nursing will advance organizational priorities.

What is the Nursing Strategic Plan?


Systematic inquiry using disciplined methods to answer questions or solve problems with the ultimate goal of developing, refining, and expanding knowledge. 

What is Research? 



Rates of falls with injury, HAPI 2+, infections, RN engagement/satisfaction, wrong site surgeries, patient burns, patient satisfaction, to name a few.

What are Examples of Nursing-Sensitive Indicators?


Provides bi-directional pathway of communication from the front-line nurses into the sub-councils, SDC's and report outs to the Coordinating Council and eventually gets to the Regional SDC.

What is the "Communication template"?


Qualitative and quantitative evidence used to satisfy Magnet designation criteria/exemplars.

(Stories of excellence, collaboration, performance improvement, best practices, innovation, etc.)

What are Sources of Evidence/SOEs?


A list, compiled by the American Nurses Association (ANA), describing competent nursing practice and defining the duties and obligations we are held accountable to at each nursing level.

What are the Nursing Scopes & Standards of Practice?


(1) Service/Engaged Culture

(2) Access

(3) Quality

(4) Affordability

What are our BPK Nursing Strategic Plan main categories?


Evidence-based practice/research and innovation council

Where do all " nursing" evidence-based projects and research projects go for approval prior to implementation?


The Daisy Awards, Charge Nurse of the Month, Life Saver of the Month and Star of the week

What are examples of initiatives to improve RN experience, engagement and recognition?


Nothing changes

What changes in the structure process outcomes and meeting times of the "sub-councils"?
