The area in which magnetic forces act
What is a magnetic field?
What is a magnets favorite sporting event?
Pole Vault
The energy of movement
What is kinetic energy?
A magnet that only functions when an electric current is passed through it
What is an electromagnet?
The two sides of a magnet where the forces are strongest
What are the poles?
The change in the potential energy in the magnetic fields after the movement
What is increasing?
The change in potential energy when the magnet is moved
What is increasing?
The car that will have the greatest speed when the brakes are released
What is the orange car?
The electromagnet with the greatest magnetic force
What is the 200 loop magnet?
The direction the trains will move
What is away from each other?
The pictured players on the 1991 Chicago Bulls basketball team
Who are Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen
The place where potential energy is stored in a system of magnets.
What is the magnetic field?
The process of turning potential energy into kinetic energy
What is convert?
The two materials needed to make an electromagnet
What are a magnetic metal and an electric wire?
The poles that attract
What are opposite poles (north and south)?
The change in the potential energy if the car is moved toward the locked magnet.
What is decreasing?
The magnet with the most potential energy if they are both moved one space closer to the center magnet
What is the pink magnet?
The energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion.
What is Kinetic?
How old is your teacher?
____ Years Old
The direction the magnets will move in set 2
What is towards eachother?
The direction in relation to the force that moving a magnet will increase the potential energy in a magnet system
What is against?
A way to increase the potential energy in a magnet system without moving the magnets
What is using a bigger/stronger magnet?
A measure of the kinetic energy in a moving object
joules or kJ (speed or velocity would work too)
The two ways to strengthen an electromagnet's field
What are increasing the current or adding more wire loops?
The poles that repel
What are the like poles (same, north to north and south to south)?