What is not allowed inside magneto
Cell 25:
What is operator #1 inspecting for?
Top seal presence
Cell 50:
What is operator #1 inspecting for?
Side seal damage
What is the last cell in quad 4
Who is the current supervisor for 2nd shift magneto?
Thomas Ruby
Cell 15:
What is the proper PPE required when working at this cell?
Double gloves
Cell 25:
How long do you have to wait until you can retest bubble failures?
2 hours
Cell 70:
What is the operator inspecting for on this station?
PCR tubes, Presence of BB's, side seal damage, and buffer packs
What is the goal for Parts per minute
What do you inspect for when working on cell 42?
Completeness of weld
Cell 15:
What does operator #1 inspect?
Nothing. They just pass to operator 2
Cell 40:
How many clicks is the goal for each hour?
Cell 50:
What station do you have to home after breaking the light curtain?
Station 20
Flow wrapper infeed:
When loading devices what should the operator be inspecting?
Buffer packs
What does iSPD stand for?
Internal Sample Preparation Device
What is the last cell in quad 1
Cell 20
Cell 32 Station 30:
How many heat staked points are we inspection for?
Cell 45:
Once opened, How long does it take until Pmp beads expire
1 week
The amount of devices in a single kit box
This stops a machine when broken
Light Curtain
How many stations does cell 15 have?
7 stations
(Station 10, 30,40,50, 60,70,80)
Cell 23:
How many devices are required for the clearance
Cell 55:
What is the visual inspection that needs to be done by the operator on station 70?
Tubes, reactions, and heat stakes, bb's
Cell 55 Re-test procedure:
When is the proper time to retest failures?
At the end of run or when tray is full
Cell 55:
How many consecutive failures are needed until we are required to clean the upper nests?