Force and Motion
All That

Magnets have 2 poles? Name them

North and South


What is the definition of force

a push or pull on an object


What is the Law of Electrical Charge?

Things that have the same charge push each other away (they repel each other)things that have the opposite charge attract

+  - = attract

+ += repulsion      -  -=repulsion


True or False. Magnets interact with other magnets without touching.



Magnets are objects that attract ________.



What is the definition of motion

change position of an object


Two electrically charged objects are shown in the picture below. What will  happen to the two objects when they interact? (4.P.1.2) 

A. The objects will repel and push away from each other.

B. The objects will move in the same direction. 

C. The objects will not affect each other. 

D. The objects will attract and pull toward each other. 

D. The objects will attract and pull toward each other.


How is Earth like a magnet?

Because it has a North and South Pole


What is magnetism?

 a force that can attract (pull closer) or repel (push away) objects


What is contact force?

  • happens when there is physical contact between two interacting objects


True or False. Neutrons and electrons have electric charge.



A large magnet is placed over a group of empty soda cans. What will happen when the magnet gets very close to the cans? 

A. The labels will fall off the cans.

 B. The cans will be filled with soda again. 

C. The magnet will attract and pick up only the cans that contain iron.

 D. The magnet will attract and pick up all the cans because they are metal.

C. The magnet will attract and pick up only the cans that contain iron.


What 3 metals are strongly attracted to magnets?

Iron, nickel and cobalt are the three main metals most strongly attracted to magnets


What is at a distant force?

  • when there is no physical contact between the two interacting objects


Two electrically charged objects are shown in the picture below. What will happen to the two objects when they interact? (4.P.1.2)

A. The objects will repel and push away from each other.

 B. The objects will move in the same direction. 

C. The objects will not affect each other. 

D. The objects will attract and pull toward each other. 

A. The objects will repel and push away from each other.


Magnets exert an unseen force that make some things move without touching. This invisible force is called a ______________. 

magnetic force field.


Name 2 metals that are not magnetic?

Gold and Silver


The 6 are:

  • normal force
  • applied force
  • frictional force
  • tension force
  • spring force
  • resisting force

Which force refers to a force that is applied to an object such as when a person moves a piece of furniture across the room or pushes a button on the remote control. 



Avery rubs a balloon on her hair. The balloon is now able to stick to the

wall. The balloon is an example of _____. (4.P.1.2)

A. an electrically charged object

B. a magnetic force

C. poles

D. iron

A. an electrically charged object


A metal ball has an electrical charge. What will happen when it is brought near another metal ball with the same electrical charge?

 A. The two metal balls will be pulled toward each other.

 B. The two metal balls will be pushed away from each other. 

C. The two metal balls will touch and move in circles around each other. 

D. The two metal balls will touch and remain connected with each other.

B. The two metal balls will be pushed away from each other.
