God being the Pantocrator is an attribute unique to Him. (True/ False)
You just witnessed two of your friends arguing. What is the first thing you would do?
Calm them down and help them
Where was Abba Samuel born?
Malig elnasara
Water is important in Christianity because it
Helps make a new life
What does the name ‘Daniel’ mean?
God is my judge
The ‘Bosom of the Father’ is an icon that reminds us of
God the Pantocrator
A person just insulted you but you choose not to insult them back because You remembered verse ____
that indicates we should not return evil for evil.
1 Peter 3:9
What did Samuel do with his possessions after his father went to heaven?
What did Samuel do with his possessions after his father went to heaven?
Sold them and gave them to the poor
How did Nicodemus feel about Christ’s actions?
What did Daniel and his friends request to eat instead of everyone else?
The shape of a circle is chosen to remind us of the Eternity of God because
A circle has no beginning or end
What are the four steps that you should take when you find yourself in an argument with a friend:
A.Stop (the insults)
B. Stop (the arguments)
C. Stop (the gossip)
D. Stop (ignoring your feelings)
What does the word ‘Shehit’ mean?
The Balance of the Heart
Nicodemus thought that Jesus Christ came from God because:
Jesus did marvelous miracles
According to Daniel, what did the different parts of the statue symbolize?
Kingdoms that will rule the world
Humans create things all the time, such as a carpenter creating a chair. (True/ False)
“Be ___ and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” (Ephesians 4:26)
Who did Samuel learn from the monastery of Abba Macarius?
Abba Agathon
What did Jesus mean when He said that we have to be born again?
Through Baptism
After Daniel explained the king’s dream, the king decided that Daniel
Should be in charge of Baylon
If you want to understand how God manages the world and controls it, look at:
A. The ecosystem B. The human body
C. The order in nature
What does the parable of the unforgiving servant teach us?
When we forgive one another here on earth, God will forgive him his sins in heaven. And he who will not forgive his brother here on earth, God will not forgive him either
What did the Roman State want the Christians to approve?
The Tome of Leo
Nicodemus had great love for the Lord Jesus. When did he show his love for Jesus Christ?
When the Pharisees decided to crucify the Lord Jesus, Nicodemus did not agree with them. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea took care of the Body of the Lord Jesus after He died on the Cross
How did Baal priests trick everyone into thinking that Baal eats the food?
They used secret passages to enter and eat the food