Proof of Divinity of Christ
St.John the Beloved
Pope Dioscurus
King Jehoshaphat

1) What are the three Hypostases in Christian belief? 

2) In the Old Testament, God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." In the New Testament, Jesus revealed His divinity by saying, "Before Abraham was, __________." 

3) Jesus showed authority over plants by cursing the __________ that didn’t bear fruit. 

1) The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit 

2) "I AM". 

3) Fig tree 


1) Who was St. John’s father? 

2) Who was St. John's brother?

3) What was St. John and St. James’s occupations before following Jesus?

1) Zebedee

2) St. James

3) Both were Fisherman


1) Which city was St. Dioscorus born in? 

2) Who was St. Dioscorus a disciple of? 

3) What was St. Dioscorus’s role in the Church (what number pope was he)? 

1) Alexandria, Egypt. 

2) Pope Cyril I, ‘the Pillar of Faith.’ 

3) He was the 25th Pope of Alexandria. 


1) Who said the following? "Prayer is the key to heaven. I can do all things through prayer." 

2) Who said the following? “Prayer is getting attached to God throughout our lives.” 

3) Who said the following? “Prayer is a great weapon and source of countless blessings.” 

1) St. Augustine 

2) St. Basil 

3) St. John Chrysostom 


1)What tribe was Daniel from and where did he live?

2) What was the name of the King that captured many people, including Daniel?

3) Who was commanded by King Nebuchadnezzar to bring young men of noble birth to the palace?

1) He was from the tribe of Judah and he lived in Jerusalem.

2) Nebuchadnezzar

3) Ashpenaz


1) According to Christian belief, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three in one. What does three in one mean? 

2) Jesus walking on water is an example of His authority over what? 

3) According to John 9, what miracle did Jesus perform that demonstrated His power as Creator? 

1) Three persons, One God

2) Nature

3) Jesus created eyes for the man born blind. 


1) Before following Jesus, who was St. John a disciple of? 

2) Who were the three disciples who witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus? 

3) Which miracle did St. John witness that involved raising a girl from the dead? 

1) St. John the Baptist 

2) St. John, St. James, and St. Peter 

3) The raising of Jairus' daughter 


1) What heresy did Leo, the Bishop of Rome, try to promote? 

2) What is the belief about the nature of Jesus Christ according to Orthodox Christianity? 

3) Which Ecumenical Council did Pope Dioscorus attend to defend the Orthodox faith? 

1) The belief that Jesus Christ had two separate natures, one human and one divine. 

2) He has one nature from two natures, fully human and fully divine, united without mingling, confusion, or alteration. 

3) The Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. 


1) How many prayers are in the Agpeya, and what are they called? 

2) Who was King Jehoshaphat's father, and how old was Jehoshaphat when he became king? 

3) What actions did King Jehoshaphat take to follow God’s commandments? 

1) There are 7 prayers: the First Hour, Third Hour, Sixth Hour, Ninth Hour, Eleventh Hour, Twelfth Hour, and Midnight Hour. 

2) His father was King Asa, and Jehoshaphat was 35 years old when he became king. 

3) He removed the high places and wooden images, and he followed the ways of his great grandfather David (2 Chronicles 17:3-6). 


1) What did Daniel and his friends do when they were offered the king's food? 

2) How long did Daniel and his friends eat only vegetables and drink water for a test? 

3) What was the outcome for Daniel and his friends after the 10-day test?

1) They refused to eat it because it was against their law.

2) 10 days

3) They looked better and stronger than the other men who ate the king's food.


1) The prophecy of Jesus' birth from a virgin is found in the Old Testament: "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name __________." 

2) True or False: God is limited to time and space. 

3) In the Creed, which person of the trinity is referred to as “begotten of the Father, before all ages.” 

1) Immanuel 

2) False 

3) God the Son 


1) At the crucifixion, what did Jesus ask St. John to do? 

2) St. John experienced many hardships and persecution. He was arrested and exiled to an island. What was the name of the Island and which book of the Bible did he write when he was there?

3) How many books in the New Testament were written by St. John? 

1) To take care of St. Mary, the mother of God 

2) Patmos and the book of Revelation

3) Five 


1) What action did Pope Dioscorus take after reading the document of false belief at the Council? 

2) Where was Pope Dioscorus exiled after the Council of Chalcedon? 

3) What title is Pope Dioscorus known by in the Orthodox Church? 

1) He excommunicated everyone who signed it and those who deviated from the Orthodox Faith. 

2) The island of Gagra. 

3) The Champion of Orthodoxy. 


1) Which kingdom did Jehoshaphat rule?

2) What was the name of Jehoshaphat’s mother?

3) What did Jehoshaphat organize and place in all the cities of Judah?

1) The Kingdom of Judah

2) Azubah

3) Troops


1) What was the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt?

2) What part of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was made of gold?

3) Who did Daniel pray with to understand the king’s dream?

1) His dream was about a large statue made of various materials.

2) What part of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was made of gold?

3) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego


1) In the Creed, how is God the Father described? 

2) In the Creed, which person of the Trinity is referred to as the Giver of Life? 

3) Which Old Testament prophet foretold the virgin birth of Jesus? 

1) God the Father is described as the Pantocrator. 

2) God the Holy Spirit 

3) Isaiah 


1) What title is St. John often called, reflecting his focus on love? 

2) Why was St. John called “John the Seer”?

3) Why is St. John called 'the evangelist'?

1) The disciple of love 

2) Because he saw the revelation.

3) Because he wrote one of the four gospels


1) How long did Pope Dioscorus spend in exile before his departure? 

2) On which day of the Coptic month did Pope Dioscorus depart? 

3) What did Pope Dioscorus send back to Alexandria after being attacked at the council? 

1) Five years. 

2) The 7th day of Thoout (September 17). 

3) His hair and teeth, along with a message about his struggle for the faith. 


1) What was Jehoshaphat’s prayer conclusion when faced with the great multitude?

2) Who stood up in the assembly and reassured the people of Judah with God’s message?

3) What message did Jahaziel deliver to Jehoshaphat and the people?

1) “Nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”

2) Jahaziel, the son of Zechariah

3) “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”


1) What did the stone in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream represent?

2) Who became king after Nebuchadnezzar?

3) What was the punishment for worshiping any god other than the king under King Darius’s decree?

1) Kingdom of God

2) Darius

3) Den of lions


1) Complete the following verse from 1 John 5:7 “For there are ______ that bear witness in heaven: the ______, the _______, and the _______; and these three are one." 

2) Which miracle of Jesus demonstrates His authority over animals? 

3) What does Malachi 3:6 (“For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.) and Hebrews 13:8 (Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.) tell us about God's unchangeable nature, which is also true for Jesus? 

1) "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one." 

2) The miracle of catching many fish 

3) God doesn't change His words, His promises, or His love for us. 


1) Name the books that St. John wrote.

2) How old was St. John when he departed?

3) How was St. John Martyred?

1) The Gospel of St. John, the 3 Epistles (1 John, 2 John, 3 John), and the book of Revelation.

2) 100 years old

3) He wasn't martyred. He was the only disciple who died a normal death.


1) What did Pope Dioscorus write at the bottom of the document of false belief at the Council of Chalcedon? 

2) What did Pope Dioscorus compare the Hypostatic Union of Christ to? 

3) What was the nature of the suffering Pope Dioscorus endured for his faith? 

1) He wrote that he excommunicated everyone who signed it and all who deviated from the Orthodox Faith. 

2) The union of the soul with the body and the union of fire with iron. 

3) He was physically attacked, having his beard pulled and his teeth knocked out, and was later exiled. 


1) Instead of preparing the army for battle, what did Jehoshaphat do first?

2) What did Jehoshaphat appoint those who sing and praise the Lord to do before the army?

3) What happened when the people began to sing and praise God?

1) He set himself to seek the Lord

2) To sing, “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.”

3) The Lord sent a surprise attack against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, and they were defeated.


1) What happened to Daniel when he was put in the den of lions?

2) What position was Daniel given under King Darius?

3) Explain the story of Daniel and the idol Bel.

1) God sent an angel to close the lions' mouths and save him.

2) Governor

3) In the story, the Babylonian king worships an idol named Bel, which is believed to consume large amounts of food and drink daily. Daniel, however, does not believe that the idol is a living god. To prove that the idol does not consume the offerings, Daniel sprinkles ashes on the temple floor. The next morning, footprints in the ashes reveal that the priests and their families have been entering the temple at night through a hidden door to eat the food themselves.

The king, realizing the deception, has the priests of Bel executed, and Daniel demonstrates that the idol is just a statue, not a living god. 
