What was the Main Idea of the Mystery of the Saint Matthew Island?
The reindeer became extinct due to starvation for over eating their food and the frigid weather.
What is bleached ?
whitened by exposure to
sunlight or by use of chemicals
Identify the conjunction in this sentence: Carol and her father went to the bank yesterday.
What is the correct ending for dice? use s or es
none just dice
What are two equivalent fractions for 7/8/
What were some supporting details of the story?
rain deer died in a year
reindeer couldn't protect their young
What is decay?
How many conjunctions are in this paragraph- Joe and his pet dog went to the park down the street. He was suspicious that so many people did not have their dogs. However, he started playing and loved the space they had to play. A few hours later, his neighbor and her dog came up to play.
3 - all and's
what is the correct ending for candy? Use s or es
Use es and drop the y add an i
Add the fractions - 1/3 + 1/4
What was the theory of why the reindeer passed away?
What are carcasses?
bodies of dead animals
Fill in the blank with the correction with the correct conjunction.
The climate is harsh (or, but) more than 1,700 kinds of plants live in the Artic.
subtract the fractions- 1/2 -1/5
What is tundra?
vast, treeless plain in the
arctic regions
Fill in the blank -
The tundra has very little moisture (or , and ) a short growing season.
Solve - 1 1/2 + 2/3
What is parasites?
living things that live on
or in others, from which they get their
food, often harming the others in the
Solve 4/5 + 5/5 =