Main Idea - Fiction
Supporting Details - Fiction
Main Idea - Nonfiction
Supporting Details - Nonfiction
Main Idea /
Supporting Details

I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Boots is my dog.
b. Boots likes people.
c. Boots is very smart.
d. Most dogs can't dance.

The main idea is:
c. Boots is very smart.


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks.

Which is a supporting detail from the paragraph?    
a. I have a dog named Boots.
b. Boots can wave his paw to greet people.
c. People like Boots.
d. Boots is smart.

One supporting detail for this paragraph is:
b. Boots can wave his paw to greet people.


The whooping cranes had nesting regions in the wet prairie marshes of the United States and Canada. There they would find food such as shellfish, frogs, and water plants. In spring, they would migrate to their Canadian nesting grounds. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. the two habitats for whooping cranes.
b. the food that whooping cranes eat in Canada.
c. how whooping cranes fly.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
a. the two habitats for whooping cranes.


The whooping cranes had nesting regions in the wet prairie marshes of the United States and Canada. There they would find food such as shellfish, frogs, and water plants. In spring, they would migrate to their Canadian nesting grounds.

What is the supporting detail in this paragraph?        
a. the two habitats for whooping cranes.
b. the food that whooping cranes eat in Canada.
c. how whooping cranes fly. 

The main idea of this paragraph is:
a. the two habitats for whooping cranes


What is the main idea of a text?

a. information from the text that supports the topic.

b. what the text is mostly about.

c. the first sentence in a text.

A main idea is:
b. what the text is mostly about.


Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said, “Happy Birthday, Joey!” Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Todd had a great birthday.
b. Joey had a great birthday.
c. Todd got lots of gifts.
d. Joey got lots of gifts.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
b. Joey had a great birthday.


Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said, “Happy Birthday, Joey!” Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.

What is a supporting detail for this paragraph?        
a. Todd is Joey's brother.
b. Joey had a great birthday.
c. He wondered what his gift was.
d. His mom made his favorite food for dinner.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
d. His mom made his favorite food for dinner.


Whooping cranes were dying off. The government tried to help by making a safe place for the cranes. The government set up the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. Here the cranes could spend the winter in a protected place to make a home and find food. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Whooping cranes were extinct.
b. How the government helped whooping cranes survive.
c. The different ways that the government helps nature.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
b. How the government helped whooping cranes survive.


Whooping cranes were dying off. The government tried to help by making a safe place for the cranes. The government set up the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. Here the cranes could spend the winter in a protected place to make a home and find food. 

What is a supporting detail for this paragraph?        
a. Whooping cranes were extinct.
b. How the government helped whooping cranes survive.
c. The government set up the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge for whooping cranes.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
c. The government set up the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge for whooping cranes.


What are supporting details? 

a. what the text is mostly about.

b. information from the text that supports the main idea.

c. what you think of when you read the text.

A supporting detail is:
b. information from the text that supports the main idea.


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Peter cannot go in the living room.
b. Peter's parents don't like the carpet.
c. Peter likes to make a mess.
d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean. 


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
a. He has to take his shoes off when he comes in the house.
b. Peter's parents got new carpeting.
c. Peter likes to make a mess.
d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
a. He has to take his shoes off when he comes in the house. 


Fish travel far distances when they migrate. Some salmon travel from the ocean all the way back to the stream where they were born. Some sharks move from New York to Florida. It is amazing they don’t lose their way!

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Fish travel far distances when they migrate.
b. Some sharks migrate all the way from New York to Florida.
c. Sharks are fish too.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
a. Fish travel far distances when they migrate. 


The whooping cranes had nesting regions in the wet prairie marshes of the United States and Canada. There they would find food such as shellfish, frogs, and water plants. In spring, they would migrate to their Canadian nesting grounds.

What is the supporting detail in this paragraph?        
a. the two habitats for whooping cranes.
b. the food that whooping cranes eat in Canada.
c. how whooping cranes fly. 

A supporting detail from this paragraph is:
c. Some sharks migrate from New York to Florida.


Some fish can swim in both salt and freshwater. These fish absorb freshwater through their skin. Then they expel, or get rid of, the water from their body. This keeps them from becoming waterlogged, or bloated with water. 

What is a supporting detail from this paragraph?        
a. the effects of freshwater.
b. fish that live in fresh and saltwater.
c. some fish absorb freshwater through their skin.

A supporting detail from this paragraph is:
c. some fish absorb freshwater through their skin.


Brad is sixteen years old and yesterday he had his first driving lesson. “Back out of the driveway carefully,” his dad said. “Be sure you look in the mirror to make sure nobody is behind you.” Brad backed the car up and turned the wheel quickly. He and his father felt the car go bump. Oh no! Brad hit the mailbox. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Brad's father was angry.
b. Brad has good driving skills.
c. Brad's first driving lesson did not go well.
d. Brad always drives poorly.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
c. Brad's first driving lesson did not go well.


Brad is sixteen years old and yesterday he had his first driving lesson. “Back out of the driveway carefully,” his dad said. “Be sure you look in the mirror to make sure nobody is behind you.” Brad backed the car up and turned the wheel quickly. He and his father felt the car go bump. Oh no! Brad hit the mailbox. 

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
a. Brad is sixteen.
b. Brad hit the mailbox when the was backing up the car.
c. Brad's first driving lesson did not go well.
d. Brad just started learning to drive.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
b. Brad hit the mailbox when the was backing up the car.


Some species of fish migrate from place to place. They find food and places to lay eggs. Other fish are happy living in one location. The migrators set out on journeys that seem to be impossible distances, seemingly taking great risks. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                  
a. how fish find food.
b. great risks fish take.
c. fish migration.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
c. fish migration.


Some species of fish migrate from place to place. They find food and places to lay eggs. Other fish are happy living in one location. The migrators set out on journeys that seem to be impossible distances, seemingly taking great risks. 

What is a supporting detail from this paragraph?      
a. how fish find food.
b. great risks fish take.
c. fish migration.

A supporting detail from this paragraph is:
b. some fish migrate to find food. 


Ivy and her friend, Fern, went bowling last Thursday. Ivy had never bowled before, but she was excited to try. On the first frame, Ivy's ball landed in the gutter. She knocked down one or two pins on most of her turns. Ivy did not get any strikes or spares. Fern said to Ivy, “The score doesn't matter as long as we are having fun.” 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                  
a. Ivy is an excellent bowler.
b. Ivy and Fern will go bowling again.
c. Ivy is a better bowler than Fern.
d. Ivy is not a good bowler.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
d. Ivy is not a good bowler. 


It was Mother's Day so Amy and Rob woke up early and snuck into the kitchen. Amy cracked some eggs into a bowl and stirred them up. Rob put some bread in the toaster. “Do you think Mom will be surprised?” Rob asked. “I'm sure of it,” answered Amy. Amy poured the eggs into a pan and began to cook them. Rob and Amy quietly cooked so they did not wake their mother. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                
a. Amy and Rob made too much noise.
b. Amy made scrambled eggs.
c. Rob made toast.
d. Amy and Rob made breakfast for their mom.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
d. Amy and Rob made breakfast for their mom. 


It was Mother's Day so Amy and Rob woke up early and snuck into the kitchen. Amy cracked some eggs into a bowl and stirred them up. Rob put some bread in the toaster. “Do you think Mom will be surprised?” Rob asked. “I'm sure of it,” answered Amy. Amy poured the eggs into a pan and began to cook them. Rob and Amy quietly cooked so they did not wake their mother. 

What is a supporting detail for this paragraph?        
a. Amy and Rob get along well.
b. Amy and Rob are siblings.
c. They cracked eggs and then poured them in a pan to cook.
d. Amy and Rob made breakfast for their mom.

A supporting detail for this paragraph is:
c. They cracked eggs and then poured them in a pan to cook.


When Salmon migrate, they travel upstream. They leap out of the water as they swim over thunderous waterfalls. The roaring current is so strong that the fish can be pushed downstream back to the ocean. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?
a. the power of streams, rivers, and waterfalls.
b. the struggle of fish who migrate up rivers.
c. how all fish begin in the ocean.

The main idea of this paragraph is:
b. the struggle of fish who migrate up rivers.


When Salmon migrate, they travel upstream. They leap out of the water as they swim over thunderous waterfalls. The roaring current is so strong that the fish can be pushed downstream back to the ocean. 

What is a supporting detail from this paragraph?
a. the power of streams, rivers, and waterfalls.
b. the river has a strong current.
c. Salmon leap out of the water in order to swim over thunderous waterfalls.

A supporting detail from this paragraph is:
c. Salmon leap out of the water in order to swim over thunderous waterfalls.


In the past, many whooping cranes flew over the North American landscape. Their nesting regions were wet prairie marshes in the United States and Canada. In these areas the cranes found food, shelter, and water. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?                  
a. the North American landscape.
b. reasons why the cranes flew over North America.
c. the types of food cranes found in their nesting regions. 

The main idea is:
b. reasons why the cranes flew over North America.
