Main Idea
Supporting Details
Main Idea or Supporting Details?
Main Idea #2
What is a main idea?
A main idea is the most important part of a paragraph.

What is a supporting detail?

Supporting details are details that tell you more about the main idea.

Kangaroos usually live in family groups called mobs.
Main Idea

There are many different kinds of bears in the world. Black bears live in North America. Grizzly bears also live in North America. They are very dangerous. The white Polar bear lives in the Arctic. The biggest bear is the Kodiak bear that is found in Alaska. What is the main idea of this text passage? 

A. Bears live in North America. 

B. Bears are dangerous. 

C. There are many kinds of bears.

C. There are many kinds of bears.

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.It is on the Niagra River about halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.Niagara Falls is on the American and Canadian border.The American Falls is 167 feet high.On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.
Kangaroos protect themselves in many ways. If a kangaroo senses danger, they will bang their tail on the ground to warn the others.A new born joey is only the size of your thumb.What is the supporting detail?
If a kangaroo senses danger, they will bang their tail on the ground to warn the others.
My house is strong.
Main Idea

Bats are fascinating animals. They are not birds, they are flying mammals. Some bats eat fruit, others eat insects. Bats are experts at flying. They use a system called echolocation to fly quickly in the dark. Which is the main idea of this text passage?

 A. Bats are flying mammals. 

B. Bats are fascinating animals. 

C. Some bats eat fruit.

What is B. "Bats are fascinating animals."

The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France.It has become a universal symbol of freedom.What is the main idea of the paragraph?
The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year.
Kangaroos are strange looking animals. Some kangaroos act as guards to protect the mob. They have small front legs and huge hind legs with great big feet.What is the supporting detail in the paragraph?
They have small front legs and huge hind legs with great big feet.
Dolphins are smart animals.
Main Idea

Many types of bacteria are helpful. For example, some are able to take nitrogen from the air. They then put it into the soil. This makes the soil better for growing plants. Some bacteria are helpful in making cheese. Other bacteria are helpful in making vinegar. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bacteria puts nitrogen from the air into the soil.

B. Bacteria helps make food. 

C. Some types of bacteria helps humans.

What is C. "Some types of bacteria helps humans."

Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. The joey lives in the mother's pouch for 9 months.They only like grass that is green and close to the ground.What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots.
Kangaroos are mostly night time creatures. Kangaroos have a long powerful tail.They sleep during the day under a shady tree or bush.What is the supporting detail in the paragraph?
They sleep during the day under a shady tree or bush.
The Willis Tower is the tallest building in Chicago.
Main idea

Our solar system is very large. It includes the eight planets that turn around the sun. These planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. There are also hundreds of thousands of smaller planets in this system. They are called asteroids. Each asteroid is much smaller than any of the eight large planets. What is the main idea of this text passage?

A. Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids. 

B. Pluto used to be a planet but now is a dwarf planet. 

C. There are eight large planets in our solar system.

What is A. "Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids."

The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time. When the canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State.Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies the 363 miles.What is the main idea of the paragraph?
The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.
Kangaroos usually have only one baby at a time.Kangaroo babies are called joeys.Kangaroos eat grass and leaves.What is the supporting detail?
Kangaroo babies are called joeys.
These mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos.
Supporting Detail

Honeybees form large hives. There are thousands of bees in a hive. One bee is the queen. She lays the eggs. Some bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey. Other bees protect the hive. Some bees keep the hive clean. Still other bees help the queen. Each bee has a special job to do in the bee hive. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bees work together to make honey. 

B. Each bee has a job to do in a beehive. 

C. The queen is the most important bee.

What is B. "Each bee has a job to do in a beehive."
