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Dolphins use clicks and whistles to communicate and jump high out of water to stay safe and find food

What is dolphins are intelligent and social animals with unique behaviors?


Firefighters work hard every day to keep people safe by checking their equipment, practicing putting out fires, and rescuing animals or people if needed.

What is checking equipment, firefighting practice, and fire rescue?


Cheetahs are the fastest land animals on Earth. They can run up to 70 miles per hour and use their tails to balance while they sprint.

What are cheetahs the fastest land animals, run up to 70 mph and use their tails for balance?


Plants use sunlight to make their food through photosynthesis because if not, plants wouldn't grow and humans and animals can't eat their food

What is sunlight is essential for life on Earth?


Trees start as tiny seeds and grow into tall plants that give us oxygen to breathe, shade to keep us cool, and homes for animals like birds and squirrels.

What is giving oxygen, shade & shelter?


Rain is very important for all life on Earth because it waters crops, fills rivers and lakes, and keeps the environment green and healthy.

What is rain is essential for life on Earth and waters crops, fills rivers and lakes, and keeps the environment green and healthy?


Ants build tunnels underground, gather food for their colonies, and work together to protect their queen.

What is ants are hardworking and work as a team.


The Artic fox has a thick white coat to help it stay warm in the cold snow. It changes to brown to blend in with rocks and dirt in the summer.

What is a thick white coat that changes color in summer and keeps the Artic fox warm in winter?


Frogs keep the environment balanced and eat insects. They start as eggs in water, hatch into tadpoles with tails and grow legs as they become adult frogs.

What are frogs go through changes as they grow and help the environment as being eggs in water, hatched tadpoles and adult frogs with legs?


Monarch butterflies are super strong insects. They are famous for their long migrations, traveling thousands of miles to warmer places to survive the winter.

What is monarch butterflies migrate long distances to survive the winter?


Earthworms live underground and keep the soil healthy by leaving behind nutrients for plants to grow as it eats dirt.

What is earthworms living underground, eating dirt, and leaving behind nutrients for plants?


Birds gather twigs, grass and feathers to build nests in trees, bushes and sometimes, on the ground. These nests help birds keep their eggs safe and warm.

What are birds build nests to keep their eggs safe and warm on the ground, in trees or bushes with grass, twigs and feathers?

The eruptions of volcanoes can happen quickly or slowly with lava, ashes, and gas. They can change the land around them over time or swiftly.

What is volcanoes are powerful forces of nature that change land around them?


The moon is Earth's closest neighbor and it controls the ocean's tides, reflects sunlight and has been visited by astronauts.

What is the moon controls ocean tides, reflects sunlight, and been touched by astronauts?


A library is a special place where people could borrow books and has quiet areas for people to read and study. Sometimes book clubs and storytelling events are held there.

What are books can be borrowed, quiet areas are around for reading and studying, and fun events are held?
