Context Clues
Aesop Fables
Context Clues
Context Clues

What is the theme?

The lesson, moral or message of the story

What the story is teaching you

The restaurant was formal, so I bought a new suit. What does "formal" mean?
upscale, dressy

What is the Theme of this fable

A CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to findwater, flew to it with delight.  When he reached it, he discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it.  He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain.  At last he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life.

If at first you don't succeed try again.

The three students decided to collaborate on the project, since they all had different talents to share. What does "collaborate" mean?
work together
The snow was a marvel to look at as it glistened in the bright sun. What does "marvel" mean?
an awesome sight
What is the theme of a story?
The theme of a story is the lesson or moral that the author wants us to remember and apply in our own lives.
The student strives to get an A on the test. What does "strives" mean?
try or tries

In his sophomore year of high school, basketball legend Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play. The coach cut Jordan from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. The next year, Jordan made the varsity squad. He averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history

Never give up

This school has a lot of diversity. We have students from many races, religions and cultural backgrounds. What does "diversity" mean?
different kinds of things or people together
Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does "anguish" mean?
extreme pain, sadness and suffering.

We read a short story about a girl who was really excited about her starburst at lunch.  There was some other girls that convinced her to give them the starburst.   What is the theme of this story?

You can't buy happiness
The girl had a very distinct way of dressing. She did not dress like the rest of the crowd. What does "distinct" mean?

Once there was a mean little boy who lived in a small village.  This mean little boy loved to mess with people, so one day he ran up to a sheep herder and shouted, “WOLF!  WOLF!  A wolf is attacking the town!”  The sheep herder grabbed his staff and ran to defend the town, but realized he had been fooled when the boy started pointing and laughing at him.  “Ha ha!  I made you jump,” said the boy.  Then the boy ran up to a farmer and shouted, “WOLF!  WOLF!  A wolf is attacking the town!”  The farmer grabbed his pitchfork and ran to defend the town, but when the boy started pointing and laughing at him, he realized he had been tricked.  As the boy went back to his family’s farm laughing about the funny trick he played, he saw a real wolf in his father’s chicken coop.  As the wolf ate all of his father’s chickens, the boy screamed over and over again, “WOLF!  WOLF!  Please help us!”  But nobody came to help him.

Don't ask for help unless you really need it

don't play tricks each other 

Cheerleaders are a boisterous group. They spend a lot of time jumping and shouting to energize the players and the fans. What does "boisterous" mean?
loud, noisy, energetic
Joe pledged his allegiance to his new team, even though, he missed many members of his old team. What does "allegiance" mean?
loyalty or devotion

 What is a theme for this story?

In the famous story of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy wishes she could travel "over the rainbow." Then she dreams she is in the Land of Oz where animals can walk and talk like people, and everything is very colorful. But after she is there for a while, she begins to miss her home on the farm in Kansas and all the people she knew there. When she finally wakes up from her dream, she is so happy to see her family around her. She decides to never wander so far from home again.

Happiness is found close to home
The continuous pounding of the hammers gave me a headache. It seemed like they had been working on the new ramp for days. What does "continuous" mean?

 One afternoon, a fox was walking through the forest. The fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from over a branch.
     Just the thing I need when I'm thirsty, the fox thought.
     Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes. Again, the fox took a few steps back and tried to reach the grapes but still failed.
     Finally, giving up, the fox said, "They're probably sour, anyway." Then, the fox walked away.

It is easy to dislike what you cannot have.

The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does "capacity" mean?
The largest amount possible
We had to make a chronological time line during Social Studies when we studied the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. What does "chronological" mean?
going in order of time

What is the theme of this short story?

Kristen’s fifth grade class had a well-known group of popular girls, and everyone knew that you were either in the group or not in the group.

  Every once in a while, the popular girls would invite a classmate from outside their clique to join their group. Kristen and her friend Maria longed to be asked to join the elite group.

  One day, as she was walking out of the building after school, a few girls from that group walked up to her and invited her to hang out with them the next day at recess. Kristen could hardly contain her excitement… until she thought of her friend, Maria. She asked if Maria could join them at recess.

  “No, we only want you,” one stated matter-of-factly.

  “I’m going to have to pass, then,” Kristen replied. As the group of girls walked away, she muttered to herself, “I don’t want to be part of a group like that, anyway.”

•It would be good to include everyone.

•True friendship is better then popularity.

The town is so rural that most of the residents are cows! What does "rural" mean?

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.  An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.   "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"  "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."  "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present."  But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.  When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.  Then the Grasshopper knew.

work before play

Nina was completely inept at cooking. She seemed to burn everything she tried to cook. What does "inept" mean?
have little or no skill
To satisfy the nervous new parents, the doctor performed a painstaking exam of the baby, to ensure it was healthy. What does "painstaking" mean?
careful, thorough, taking a lot of care