Main Idea
Supporting Details
Details to Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Yes or No?
One of the best ways to lock a door is with a time lock. The lock is set for a certain time. It will not open before the time that has been set. It won't open when that time has passed. Banks find that time locks help keep your money safe.
A time lock is one of the best ways to lock a door.
The main idea in a specific passage is that kangaroos usually live in family groups called mobs. What is a possible supporting detail? A. Kangaroos are mammals. B. Mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos.
B. Mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos.
apples, bananas, pears
Cause: Aaliyah ran down the stairs Effect:
Aaliyah fell
Main Idea: The colors of roses have different meanings. A yellow rose stands for joy. Does this support the main idea?
Benjamin Franklin loved to write. When he was twenty-two, he set up his own printing shop and started a newspaper. He also printed a book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. It had funny stories, information about the weather, and wise sayings.
Benjamin Franklin loved to write stories and books.
What does a supporting detail do?
It gives more information about the main idea.
plane, car, bus
The sun was out while it was raining. Effect:
A rainbow formed.
Main idea: The colors of roses have different meanings. Rose petals are sometimes thrown at a wedding. Does this support the main idea?
Charlie McCarthy was a wooden dummy. He was owned by the famous ventriloquist, Edgar Bergen. Mr. Bergen created Charlie while he was in high school. Charlie traveled around the world with Mr. Bergen. They performed for many people. Charlie was so popular that he got more mail than Mr. Bergen did. Even a puppet can be a famous star.
Charlie McCarthy was a famous dummy owned by Edgar Bergen.
Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. Name a detail in this story.
1. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. 2. Soccer players learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. 3. Soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates.
pen, pencil, marker
writing tools
Tell the effect: I studied hard for my test, and I got an A!
I got an A!
Main idea: Sacajawea was very helpful to Lewis and Clark. Sacajawea wanted to see her home again. Does this sentence support the main idea?
The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom.
The Statue of Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom.
Find a detail: Most people remember George Washington as an important American statesman, the first U.S. president. He was also important to the development of modern farming. At his farm in Virginia, he studied the best way to plant and harvest crops. He experimented with new farming equipment. He even built a special 16-sided barn for threshing wheat he grew. He kept perfect records about each crop with its yield.
an important American statesman, the first U.S. president, a farmer, he studied the best way to plant and harvest crops, an inventor,who experimented with new farming equipment, a carpenter who built a special 16-sided barn.
Alabama, New Mexico, Ohio
Find the Cause: The book was heavy. The strap on my bag broke.
The book was heavy.
Main idea: Sacajawea was very helpful to Lewis and Clark. Sacajawea guided the explorers through mountains. Does this support the main idea?
The air all around us is filled with water vapor. When it is heated, water changes from a liquid form into an invisible gas called water vapor. When the water vapor in the air cools, it turns back into tiny droplets of water to form a cloud. The same water moves from a liquid form water vapor, and back to liquid form over and over again. This pattern of change is called the water cycle.
The water cycle is circular and repeats its stages from liqi9ud to gas to liquid.
Find a detail: A rhinoceros is a strange- looking animal. The wrinkled nose with its two vertical horns takes up most of its face. The short, clumsy-looking legs seem too small to hold up the rhino's immense, solid body. It's thick, rough skin hangs in loose folds with no hair to soften the surface.
it has a wrinkled nose, two vertical horns, short legs, immense, solid body, thick, rough skin hangs in loose folds, no hair.
North America, Africa, Australia
Give an example of a cause and effect relationship. Tell which is the cause and which is the effect.
Teacher decides
Main Idea: Switzerland is a very small country. Switzerland is located east of France in central Europe. Does this sentence support the main idea?