Where do fish live?
The ocean!
What do you use to WALK?
What organ do you use to see?
Your eyes!
Which season is "beach" season?
Where do you go to watch a movie?
The cinema
What do caterpillars turn into?
What do you use to HEAR?
What organ do you use to breathe?
Your lungs!
What country is your English teacher from?
The USA/ America
Where can you buy bread and cookies?
The bakery!
What is the biggest bird?
An ostrich
What body part is above your chest and below your neck?
Your shoulders
What is the largest organ?
You skin!
What is the loudest animal?
a whale
Where do you buy socks and trousers?
A clothes shop.
What does a fish use to swim?
What joint is in the middle of your legs?
Your knees.
What organ holds urine before you go to the bathroom?
What school did Harry Potter attend?
A waiter works at a _______________.
How many stomachs does a platypus have?
Zero. A platypus does not have a stomach.
What body part is below your mouth and above your neck?
Your chin
I am an organ that filters your blood and I have a twin. What organ am I?
A kidney
Which river is the longest in the world?
the Nile
Where would someone ask you about your symptoms and give you medicine?
At a pharmacy.