According to this timeline, between how many years was it from the Freedmen's Bureau founding and the 14th Amendment pass?
3 years
He was in the Army called the Christian General. He founded the oldest African American college.
Who is Oliver Otis Howard?
This was set up by congress to help former slaves
The Freedmen's Bureau
William Widgery Thomas was worried about the decrease in population so he did this.
Went to Sweden and brought back 51 people.
The period after the Civil War was called...
The Reconstruction
This map shows two of the areas where Schooners went to catch cod. What are they?
The Atlantic Ocean and George's Bank
Chief Joseph
The three stages of Reconstruction
Lincoln, Johnson, and Radical Republican
What is the push and pull factor
why people leave for a new country, why the new country needs immigrants.
Canned it.
What is the name of the canal that links Asia to Europe? Show me where it is for full credit
Suez Canal
Actor and southern sympathizer. stated Sic Semper Tyrannis.
John Wilkes Booth
This law states the president could not remove cabinet members without consent of congress.
The Tenure of Office Act
In this area, people established farms, towns and ranches.
The Great Plains.
Why did Mainers get into the ice business
What is the canal that links the Carribean with the Pacific Ocean? Show me where it is for full credit.
Panama Canal
From Tennessee, wanted to go hard on the confederates but ended up pardoning many.
President Andrew Johnson
The members of the House decide there is enough evidence to have the president stand trial. This is...
Treating wood with chemicals to make it soft.
What is pulp.
He imagined that Portland was going to be the biggest trade city in the world. He died 6 weeks before he finished his railroad.
John Poor
What year was the fifteenth Amendment passed and what is the fifteenth Amendment?
1870 and it is giving black men the right to vote.
He removed the army from the south and declared an end to the Reconstruction.
Who is President Rutherford B. Hayes.
What is the 13th Amendment
Slavery is outlawed.
First wood pulp mill in Maine started in 1868 in this town.
A fast clipper but holds twice as much cargo.