What shape is the shape of an ice cream sandwich?
What is a rectangle?
There is 3 apples and you take two, how many do you have?
What is two.
How do you say family in Japanese?
What is Kazoku
What is Superman's real name?
Who is Clark, Kent.
When you mix red and white, what color do you get?
What is Pink.
How many inches are in one foot?
What is 12 inches.
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
What is a clock.
What is an amigo in english?
What are friends?
What time computers open every morning?
What is 7 am.
What do you get when you mix yellow and blue?
What is green.
what shape has five equal sides?
What is a pentagon
Which side of a cat always has the most fur?
What is outside.
How do you say apple in Japanese?
What is a ringo.
What is the best brain break app?
What is Go noodle?
What are the Primary Colors?
What is red, yellow and blue.
What does this equal?
What is 48
How many months have 28 days?
What is all twelve months.
How do you say strawberry in Japanese?
what is ichigo
What cat is part poptart and part cat?
Who is Nyan Cat.
What color is also a fruit?
What is an orange?
Using Roman Numerals, what is X ?
What is 10
What letter of the alphabet holds the most water?
what is letter C
How do you say book in Spanish?
What is libro
What is the name of Himawari Director?
Who is Ms. Diana
What are the colors of the rainbow?
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.