
What is the definition of inference? 

Making an educated guess based on background knowledge and text details.


What is the definition of theme?

The moral, life-lesson, or the take-away of the story. 


What is the definition of characterization? 

The ability to give descriptors to a character based on what the author directly tells us and how the author describes the character throughout the text. 


What is the definition of symbolism? 

It is taking an image or symbol and giving it meaning beyond its literal definition. 


What are the four key parts of RACE?

R: Restate

A: Answer

C: Cite Evidence

E: Explain the evidence


Inference: Why is the girl crying?

Give one piece of evidence to support this.

She spilled her ice cream cone.


What is the difference between a thematic topic versus a theme statement?

Topic is one word; thematic statement is a full sentence. 


What are the two types of characterization? Explain the difference. 

Direct Characterization: the author gives you what the character is like.

Indirect Characterization: the author shows you what the character is like through the actions/thoughts/speech/looks. 


Symbolism: What are two things this image could symbolize? 

1. Peace

2. Goodbye

3. 60s/ Hippie Movement


Which parts of RACE make up a topic sentence? 

Restate and answer. 


Inference: What caused the man to fall and get hurt?

Give one piece of evidence to support this.

The rain made the road more slippery, causing him to lose some stability and fall. 


Match the quotation with the theme: 

"We think that books instead of being locked up in cupboards, far away from the sight of students, should be distributed as widely as possible." 

A) Knowledge should be shared.

B) To know something, sometimes you must feel it. 

C) Not being able to talk about something can be a burden. 

D) Good things stand out only next to bad things.

A) Knowledge should be shared. 


What are the four main ways we can indirectly characterize someone in a story/novel? 


Looks, Actions, Speech, Thoughts

Symbolize: What are three things the color green could symbolize? 

1. Good

2. Money/wealth

3. Growth/Life

4. Nature

5. New

6. Correct


To have a PROFICIENT (strong) RACE response, how many pieces of evidence are required, and what type of evidence is required? 

2 pieces of related and direct text evidence.


Read the passage: 

Ryan was looking forward to sleeping over at his friend Robert's house. Though they had been classmates for a while, the two had only recently become good friends. Ryan packed up his sleeping bag, a pillow, and a few of his favorite toys and games, and then his mom dropped him off at Robert's. Robert met Ryan on the porch and the two did their secret handshake and started playing right away. First they played pirates in Robert's tree fort. Next they played ninjas in the driveway. Then it started getting dark and they went inside of Robert's house. As soon as they walked in the house, Ryan's eyes started getting red and itchy. He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, Robert. It's been a lot of fun, but I have to call my mom." 

Question: Why do Ryan's eyes get red and itchy when he walks into Robert's house? 

Ryan is allergic to Robert's cat and/or cats in general. 


Match the quote with the theme: 

"Maybe the sword does have some magic. Personally, I think it's the warrior who wields it." 

A) Not being able to talk about something can be a burden. 

B) Good things stand out only next to bad things.

C) The power of a tool lies in its user.

D) You must learn new things slowly and thoughtfully. 

C) The power of a tool lies in its user.


In The Outsiders, what is one trait that can be used to describe Darry? Explain your reasoning.

Answers may vary:

Mature, responsible, overwhelmed, caring


In the story "The White Umbrella," what does the umbrella symbolize to the narrator? 

It symbolizes the American lifestyle and fitting into her community, which is something she is unable to obtain. 


To have a proficient RACE response, how many sentences are required in the explanation sentences PER piece of text evidence? 

AT least two sentences are required per piece of text evidence. 


Infer: Why does Ponyboy immediately make Two-Bit promise not to tell Darry that he is getting sick? 

Ponyboy knows that Darry will force him to sit out of the rumble because he doesn't want Ponyboy to get worse. 


In The Outsiders, what is a theme we can take away from the story? 

Answers may vary: 

It is important to show loyalty to one's friends.

Do not judge someone based on how they look or where they come from. 


In "The War Of The Wall," what is one trait that can be used to describe the painter? Explain your reasoning.

Answers may vary. 

Rude, shy, reserved


In The Outsiders, what does Dally's jacket symbolize? 

Many answers could be right if defended. 

It symbolizes protection that Dally shows the gang, specifically for Ponyboy because it saves him from major injuries in the church fire. 


What is wrong with this piece of direct text evidence? 

Isabel opened her eyes and lowered the trumpet from her lips. She was sure she had just heard the sound of breaking glass, but cars and bicycles kept streaming by. Gratz

This evidence is missing quotation marks as well as the page number of the quote. 

"Isabel opened her eyes and lowered the trumpet from her lips. She was sure she had just heard the sound of breaking glass, but cars and bicycles kept streaming by" (Gratz 25). 
