The population of this city in brazil is 22 million.
What is the population of Sao Paulo, Brazil?
This city climate is know as cold and damp in the winter and hot and humid in the summer.
what is the climate of Lima, Peru?
This building is consider the historical center of Lima, Peru as the city was founded there in 1535.
WHat is the Plaza Mayor?
The population is of this city is 6 and a half million and is home of the statue "Christ the Redeemer".
What is the population of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
This country has moderate temperatures and a lot of rain.
What is the climate of Bogotá Colombia?
this art museum is known as one of the best in South America
what is the Sao Paulo art museum
The population of this city is a little over 3 million and is the capital of Argentina.
What is the population of Buenos Aires, Argentina?
This city has low amount of rain which makes this city unique in South America
What is the climate in Lima, Peru?
These waterfalls are located 20 miles west from Bogotá.
Where are the Tequendama Falls?
This city has a population of 7 million.
what is the population in Lima, Peru
This city in Brazil is can get as cold as 58F in July due to its high elevation.
What is the climate in São Paulo, Brazil.
This enormous statue of Jesus Christ is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Where is the statue "Christ the Redeemer"?
This city population of this city is 7 million
what is the population in Bogotá, Colombia
This city in Brazil has both wet and dry seasons but is warm year round.
What is the climate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?
This clock tower standing at 248 meters tall is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Where is the Torre Monumental.