what is the population of Buenos Aires
3.121 million (2022)
most popular animal in Peru
llama and the alpaca
what natural disaster happens most in Sao Paulo
what is the population of Belo Horizonte
2.316 million (2022)
what food is most popular Bogota Colombia
Half soup, half chicken and potato stew, Ajiaco
What natural disaster happens most in Buenos Aires
Volcanoes and landslides
what is the population of Lima
what are the beliefs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
what natural disasters happen most in rio de Janeiro
Floods, mudslides, and landslides
What is the population Bogota
7.907 million (2023)
Argentina is home to what dance
What natural disasters happen most in Bogata colombia
earthquakes, floods, and landslides
What is the population of Sao Paulo
11.45 million (2022)
What is grown in Sao Paulo brazil
What natural disaster happen most in Lima
Earthquakes, flooding, and landslides