Who won the 2013 academy award of best leading actress doing a small stunt on her way to the podium
What is Jennifer Lawrence
What do you call the dancing style that Miley Cyrus exercised in her much debated performance with Robin Thicke
What is twerking
what was the title of the song that won the Eurovision Song Contest this year by the lovely Emmelie de Forest
What is Only Teardrops
What was the title of the 2013 hit featuring Robin Thicke that was criticized for being very sexist?
What is Blurred Lines
This hot couple who has about 6 kids together was finally married in 2013 - which couple?
What is Brad pitt and Angelina Jolie
Barack Obama inaugurated as the President of the United States for the second time. How many times can you be elected the president of USA?
What is twice/two times
Which cute, innocent boy star lost some of his innocent brand when visiting a brothel (bordel) during his tour
What is Justin Bieber
A huge clothing/textile factory collapsed and killed more than 1000 workers - in which country?
What is Bangladesh?
This Danish band is actually doing quite well in USA - one of their hit singles is called "hey love" - who are we talking about?
What is Quadron
Speaking of selfies - Helle Thorning finally had her international breakthrough during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela. Which two male politicians did she do a "selfie" with?
What is Barack Obama and David Cameron
A bomb that killed 3 people exploded during a marathon race - in which city did this happen?
What is Boston
Steven Spielberg's movie about the last 4 months of an American president premiered in Denmark. Which president was the movie about?
What is Abraham Lincoln?
Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95 - we all know how he spent 27 years in captivity. What was the name of the island on which he spent most of his sentence?
What is Robben island
Many of us watch the first Die Hard movie with John McClane during Christmas. This year the 5th Die hard movie was released - what was it called?
What is A good day to die hard
Which "self-centered" became the word of the year according to Oxford English Dictionary?
What is selfie
Correct the following sentence: Barack Obama and Michelle Obama makes a cute couple
What is Barack Obama and Michelle Obama make a cute couple
the series about the cancer-stricken Walter White was quite a hit this year. What is it called?
What is Breaking Bad
This tough "cookie" (some called her a bitch or the Iron Lady) - also former Prime Minister of Great Britain - died at the age of 87. What was her name?
What is Margareth Thatcher
The American Whistleblower Edward Snowden has given a residence permit for one year in this country (causing a smaller diplomatic crisis between America and this country) - which country are we talking about?
What is Russia
Lance Armstrong finally admitted his use of EPO but the medals from his many Tour de France victories had already been taken from him in 2012. How many Tour de France victories are we talking about?
What is 7
This major American city was declared bankrupt due to a huge debt - which city was it?
What is Detroit
What is the name of the female protest group in Russia that was imprisoned for about two years but finally released this Christmas?
What is Pussy Riot
More Nelson Mandela - simply because we English teachers love him. When did Nelson Mandela win the presidency of South Africa for the first time?
What is 1994
Dan Brown is a very succesful writer and this year his latest novel was published in several countries at the same time (much secrecy leading up it) - what is his latest novel called?
What is Inferno
Even though it is soooo last year - who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012?
What is The European Union