Who Was?
End of the War
Other Places

This battle, led by George Washington, was fought to increase the confidence of the Continental Army.

What was the Battle of Trenton?


This person was trying to get help from France for the Continental Army during the war.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


The French Navy blocked this location to prevent British General Cornwallis from being rescued at the end of the war.

What was Yorktown Harbor?


This is the place where George Washington and his troops spent a difficult winter marked with cold weather, little food, and much disease.

What is Valley Forge?


This battle was considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War because it showed the Americans had a real chance to win the War.

What was Battle of Saratoga?


This person's leadership helped keep the Continental soldiers going during the harsh winter at Valley Forge.

Who was George Washington?


This was the agreement signed by Great Britain and America that ended the Revolutionary War.

What was the Treaty of Paris of 1783?


This is the name of the hill where the militia chose to build their fort instead of Bunker Hill.

What is Breed's Hill?


This battle proved the Continental Army could fight well, even though they eventually were defeated.

What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?


This person provided military training for the soldiers at Valley Forge.

Who was Baron von Steuben?


This was the result of the Battle of Yorktown.

What was the French & Americans forced the British to surrender?


This is the number of times the British attached the fort on Bunker Hill before defeating the militia.

What is 3 times?

This battle was the official start to the Revolutionary War, and gave American soldiers confidence that they could be successful even though they were outnumbered by the British.

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?


This Revolutionary War hero was later considered a traitor when he changed to the British side.

Who was Benedict Arnold?


This document recognized United States independence from Britain, stated that the Mississippi River was the new western border of the United States and declared it was open for trade for France, Spain, Britain and the U.S.

What was the Treaty of Paris, 1783?


This  is the reason why was the Continental Army forced to stay in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania during the winter of 1777.

What was the British captured the city of Philadelphia?

This battle was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War, ending with a British surrender.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


After the Continental victory at Saratoga, this country believed that American could win the war and agreed to provide money, weapons, and Navy ships.

Who was France?


Even though it was hotly debated and many people were against it, this result of the war came about due to the need for many workers on Southern plantations.

What was slavery continued after the American Revolution?


The Continental Army used this geographical feature to gain an advantage over the British and help them win the Battle of Saratoga.

What were the woods?
