Liberal Arts/Social Sciences

With this major, you can learn about computer systems and the way humans and computers interact from a scientific perspective. Future careers can include IT manager and game designer.

What is Computer Science.

A major that is popular and in high demand, students who study this type of science not only learn about humans, plant life, and ocean life, but they can also work with them as well.
What is Biology.

People who study this have a passion for people and safety. They learn sociological, psychological, and political effects of serious problems and "undesirable people."

What is Criminal Justice.


People in this field are not only involved in design, but also with making sure that structures are safe, functional, and economical.

What is Architecture.


Students acquire the conceptual and technical knowledge to develop, measure, analyze, and validate financial information. This can lead to jobs in banks, businesses, even the FBI.

What is Accounting.

This major deals with the application of physical science and life sciences with mathematics, as well as the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.
What is Chemical Engineering.
Students can learn how to be a part of one of the most stable medical careers of all. Concentrations might include specializing in dealing with organs, skin, and even the brain.
What is Nursing.
If you want to study this but don't want to be a teacher, other options include lawyer, politician, author, or museum curator.
What is History.
Combining both art and technology, this major prepares students to help use visual means to solve business problems and help with marketing.
What is Graphic Design.

This major allows students to examine the world's resources, employment and money issues, and policies in various areas.

What is Economics.

This major is valuable to many professions, and students who study this will learn how to use numbers and equations to solve complex problems and principals that can help any industry.
What is Mathematics.
With this major, students learn about medicine and the distribution of medicine, and can lead to a stable and possibly lucrative career in healthcare.
What is Pharmacology.
A great major for those interested in politics, policy, and diplomacy, especially for those who want to know more about other countries.
What is International Studies/International Relations.
Those that have a very serious passion about this subject might pursue it in college. This major can help people become studio directors, conductors, and teachers.
What is Music.

Students who study this learn how to advertise, distribute, and promote products to people all over the country, as well as how to conduct consumer research.

What is Marketing.

Students who study this learn about the design and maintenance of the physical and natural environment, including bridges, roads, and canals.
What is Civil Engineering.
This major mostly deals with injuries and how to prevent them. This can lead to jobs at universities, schools, hospitals, clinics, the military, and also with something that a lot of people are passionate about.
What is Athletic Training.
This major involves learning about people and the way they behave. Both scientific and thought provoking questions are challenged by people in this field; maybe that's why it is a popular subject to study.
What is Psychology.

This major shows students how the everyday products we use are designed and created. Those with inventive minds might find this major very interesting.

What is Industrial Design.


This major focuses on how individuals and groups function within organizations and how organizations interact with their environment.

What is Management.

This major combines both engineering and medicine. Students who study this will learn how to use technology to help with patient care, diagnosing illnesses, and how to create new ways of taking care of people.
What is Biomedical Engineering.
Students who want to learn about nature usually pick this major. Workers in this field help protect the planet, work with companies like AIG, and are also on TV each night as meteorologists.
What is Environmental Science.
Another good major for those interested in politics and political systems, no matter what your political beliefs are.
What is Political Science/Government.

This takes artistic designs to a big level, especially on the computer screen and, possibly, a television screen.

What is Animation.


Students learn about the world of organizations that give back, such as the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity, and how they are run successfully and effectively.

What is Non-Profit Management.
