How long was the transformers in the volcano in 1984
4 million years
Who died in avengers endgame?
Tony Stark, Thanos, and Blackwidow
Who started the Institute for Mutants and can read minds?
Professor Xavier
Moon Knight's hood is shaped like this animal
He can move so swiftly he can phase through solid objects
The Flash
What volcano did the transformers crash into
Mount Saint Helen
Captain America’s shield and Bucky’s arm are made of what?
What are x-men people considered?
Fill in the blank ___ Charteris Base
Barry Allen main job is what?
forensic scientist
Who were transformers competitor in 1984-1987
Who died in spider-man far from home?
This character has laser beams that shoot out of its eye.
The Venom, Peni Parker, and Spider Map team up does this
Gives Spider Man and Peni Parker a void tendril burst
Who is Robin #5?
Damian Wayne
Who is the leader of the Dino Bots
What is Doctor strange's real name?
Steven Strange
This anti-hero is known for her telepathy that rivals Charles Xavier and for creating the Stepford Cuckoos
Emma Frost
Hela can escape a fight by turning into this animal
Who was the Inspiration of Deadpool?
Where did the transformers go in revenge of the fallen
Ancient Eypt
Captain Marvel's real name.
Carol Danvers
Name the 5 members of the Phoenix-Five
Cyclops, Magik, Colossus, Namor, and Emma Frost
Luna Snow's ultimate lasts for this long
12 seconds
What was Beast Boy’s Original Color?