Teaching Strategies
Classroom Management
Assessment and Evaluation
Educational Leadership
Student Support

Lecture - Note-taking

Association: In a lecture, the teacher presents information verbally to students. Note-taking involves students actively recording key points and ideas from the lecture to aid comprehension and retention.


Rules - Behavior

Association: Classroom rules establish expectations for student behavior and conduct. Managing behavior involves strategies to promote a positive learning environment and maintain classroom discipline.


Quiz - Knowledge

Association: Quizzes assess students' understanding and retention of factual knowledge. They gauge students' comprehension of key concepts and help teachers monitor learning progress.


Principal - Administration

Association: The principal is the educational leader of a school, responsible for overseeing its administration, staff, and overall operations. Administration involves managing school policies, budgets, and resources to support student learning and achievement.


Counselor - Guidance  

Association: School counselors provide guidance and support to students in academic, social, and personal development. Guidance involves advising students on educational and career goals, as well as addressing personal and emotional needs.


Group Work - Collaboration

Association: Group work involves students working together on tasks or projects. Collaboration encourages teamwork, communication skills, and collective problem-solving among students.


Seating Chart - Organization

Association: A seating chart organizes students' seating assignments in the classroom. Organization ensures optimal classroom layout for effective teaching, student interaction, and classroom management.


Rubric - Criteria

ssociation: A rubric outlines criteria and expectations for evaluating student work. It provides clear standards for assessing assignments and projects, ensuring consistency and fairness in grading.


Professional Development - Growth

Association: Professional development (PD) programs provide educators with opportunities for continuous learning and growth. PD fosters professional growth by enhancing teaching skills, knowledge of best practices, and instructional strategies.


Special Education - Inclusion

Association: Special education programs support students with diverse learning needs and disabilities. Inclusion promotes equitable access to education by integrating students with disabilities into general education settings and providing necessary supports and accommodations.


Demonstration - Visual

Association: Demonstrations show how to perform a task or experiment. Visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, enhance understanding by providing clear, visual representations of concepts.


Routine - Schedule

Association: Classroom routines and schedules provide structure and predictability. Following a schedule helps manage instructional time effectively and establish consistent learning routines for students.


Formative Assessment - Feedback

Association: Formative assessment occurs during learning activities to monitor student progress and provide ongoing feedback. Feedback guides students' understanding and informs instructional decisions.


Curriculum - Standards

Association: Curriculum refers to the educational content and learning objectives taught in schools. Standards outline specific learning goals and expectations that students are expected to achieve at each grade level or subject area.


Intervention - Support

Association: Interventions are targeted strategies and resources designed to address students' academic or behavioral challenges. Support services offer additional assistance, resources, and accommodations to help students succeed academically and socially.


Discussion - Debate

Association: Discussions allow students to exchange ideas and viewpoints on a topic. Debates involve structured arguments and counterarguments, promoting critical thinking and persuasive communication skills.


Praise - Motivation

Association: Praise acknowledges and reinforces positive student behaviors and achievements. Motivation strategies encourage student engagement, effort, and persistence in learning tasks.


Standardized Test - Benchmark

Association: Standardized tests measure students' academic performance against established benchmarks or standards. Benchmarks set expectations for achievement levels across schools or districts, informing educational policies and interventions.


Leadership - Vision

Association: Educational leadership involves inspiring and guiding stakeholders toward a shared vision for academic excellence and student success. Visionary leadership motivates school communities to pursue goals and initiatives that support positive outcomes for students.


Mentorship - Relationship

Association: Mentorship programs pair students with mentors who provide guidance, encouragement, and support. Building positive relationships between mentors and students fosters personal growth, academic achievement, and social-emotional development.


Hands-on - Experiential

Association: Hands-on activities engage students in active learning through direct experience. Experiential learning enables students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts, enhancing understanding and skill development.


Feedback - Improvement

Association: Feedback provides information on students' performance and progress. It guides instructional decisions and supports students in identifying strengths and areas for improvement in their learning.


Portfolio - Reflection

Association: Portfolios compile samples of students' work to demonstrate learning progress and achievement over time. Reflection prompts students to analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and growth, fostering metacognitive skills and self-assessment.


Policy - Implementation

Association: Educational policies are guidelines and regulations that shape school practices and procedures. Implementation involves putting policies into action through effective planning, communication, and execution within educational settings.


Family Engagement - Partnership

Association: Family engagement initiatives involve families as partners in their children's education. Partnership between schools and families promotes communication, collaboration, and shared responsibility for student learning and well-being.
