How often should you brush your teeth to help prevent cavities?
What is Twice a Day
Eating this fruit helps to clean teeth because it’s crunchy and has a lot of water.
What is Apple
Eating too many of these sugary treats on Halloween can lead to cavities.
What is Candy
This is the sticky film that forms on your teeth and can cause cavities if not brushed away.
What is Biofilm/plaque
True or false: Sugar only harms your teeth if you eat it right before bed.
What is False (sugar can harm your teeth anytime, especially when consumed often).
Drinking enough of this clear liquid is important to stay healthy and energized.
What is water
This dairy product is good for your teeth because it contains calcium.
What is Milk
This sugary drink is not good for your teeth and can cause cavities if consumed too often.
What is Soda
Who should you go see when you have a tooth ache?
Who is the Dentist
True or false: Brushing your teeth once a day is enough to protect them from cavities.
What is False (brushing twice a day is recommended).
Washing your hands regularly helps prevent the spread of this.
What is Bacteria (Germs)
This orange vegetable is full of vitamins and helps keep your gums healthy.
What is Carrots
Chewing this sticky treat can cause it to get stuck in your teeth, leading to cavities.
What is caramel
When you eat sugar, bacteria in your mouth turn it into this harmful substance.
What is Acid
True or false: Sugar-free gum is good for your teeth.
What is True (sugar-free gum can help clean teeth and stimulate saliva, which protects enamel).
Brushing your teeth twice a day helps prevent this dental problem.
What is Cavities
Which of these foods is best for your teeth: cheese, chips, or candy?
What is Cheese
Drinking too much of this juice can be bad for your teeth due to its sugar content.
What is Fruit Juice
Who professionally cleans your teeth?
Who is Dental Hygienist
True or false: You don’t need to brush your teeth if you don’t eat sugar.
What is False (brushing is important even if you don’t eat sugar to remove biofilm and keep gums healthy).
Every six months, where should you go to get your teeth clean?
What is the Dental Office (the Dentist)
This green vegetable is rich in vitamins that help keep your teeth and gums healthy.
What is Spinach
This sweet treat can coat your teeth and cause cavities.
What is Chocolate
After eating sugary foods or drinks, you should do this to help clean and protect your teeth.
What is brushing and flossing your teeth
True or false: Drinking a lot of water can help protect your teeth from the damage caused by sugar.
What is True (water helps rinse away sugar and acids).