Mental Health Facts
Facts vs. Myths
Eliminating Stigma Matters
Recovery Mental Health

What does the lime green ribbon symbolize?

Lime green is the national color for mental health awareness. Wearing the ribbon is a simple way to show our collective support for mental health!


Suffering from mental illness is from having a lack of willpower and is a sign of weakness.


A mental health condition has nothing to do with being weak or lacking willpower. It is not a condition people choose to have or not have. Anyone can develop a mental health condition.


Why does Stigma Matter?

Stigma is a real problem and it affects real people. The stigma and silence surrounding mental health are the greatest barriers to people seeking treatment and support for their mental illness


What combination of treatments and supports can be part of an individual's recovery plan?

Social support, Therapy, Medications, Nutrition, Physical activity, and self-care acts


Name ways in which isolating oneself can affect your professional environment

It can cause communication barriers, create wedges, lower morale, and deflect peer interaction.


What is it called when a traumatic event such as an accident, assault, military combat, or natural disaster has lasting effects on an individual’s mental health?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). - A common myth is that PTSD is only experienced by individuals who have been involved in military combat. The truth is any individual who experiences a life-threatening or traumatic event can develop PTSD.


Mental Health can affect anyone...loved ones, co-workers, friends, celebrities, neighbors, and so on.



Why do you think there is such a difference in the words used to describe those who suffer from medical health conditions that society considers normal to those who suffer from mental illness?

Negative words and stereotypes can be traced back to the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. The way in which society perceives mental health affects how they describe it. Make It OK is here to help normalize the conversation and see mental illnesses as “normal” illnesses.


How can talking about a hard time be helpful? Give two reasons

-Process what's going on: share your feelings,work out what's bothering you

- Feel Better

- Don't feel alone

- Feel cared for

- Create a connection with people


What is the difference between self-care and self-soothing?

While self-soothing and self-care may sound like similar concepts, they’re quite different. Self-care is a long-term way to manage stress and anxiety while self-soothing techniques provide immediate relief after stressful situations


How many adults will experience mental illness?

1 in 5 adults will experience a mental illness while 1 in 10 have diabetes

(Mental illnesses are as common as white cars)


People with mental health conditions are violent or unpredictable.


Most people with mental health conditions are no more likely to be violent than anyone else


What are the effects of stigma can lead to

Shame, isolation, avoiding treatment, discrimination, self-harm/suicide, and being perceived as dangerous/violent


What can someone do if they are struggling with anxiety?

- Talk to someone you trust about it

- Seek out resources like a support group 

- Try lots of ways to cope and find out what works best for you 

- Speak with a doctor 


How can you be conscious of doing your own self-care 

- Be present 

- Try Mindful Movements

- Get restful sleep

- Connect with others


Name 5 mental health illnesses that you know of.

Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADD/ADHD, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, substance use disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)


I can't do anything for a person with a mental health issue


Friends and loved ones can make a big difference. 


-Reaching out and letting them know you are available to help

-Helping them access mental health services

-Help them learn self-care and coping techniques


How can we address the stigma of mental health in society?

- Know the facts

- Be aware of your attitudes and behavior

- Choose your words carefully

- Educate others and pass on facts 

- Support people

- Focus on the positive


Why is it important to make time for ourselves and have fun?

- Reduces stress

- Helps us cope 

- Gives us a break so we can reenergize 

- Helps us feel good/Releases endorphins 


Suicide is the ________ leading cause of death among people ages 10 to 24 in the United States.



What are three common symptoms of mental health?

- Impulsiveness

-Difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering

- Lack of interest and pleasure

-Pounding heart, sweating, dizziness, trembling

-Changes in sleep, energy, and appetite. 

-Tension in the jaw and body.


When someone develops a mental health problem, they will have it for the rest of their lives. They will never recover.


Mental health doesn't stay the same. It goes up and down over the course of your life. Many factors can influence how you feel. With treatment, many of the problems you may develop are temporary.


What are things you could do to help with reducing stigma?

Recognize mental illness as a disease, Use respectful language when talking about mental illness, See the person for who and not their condition, Offer help and support, and Combat misconceptions with facts when you see or hear them


What are 5 steps to mental health recovery?

1. Accepting Support

2. Educating Yourself

3. Making a Change

4. Finding Help Resources and Making Connections

5. Committing To Recovery and Healing


Name one resource that may be helpful if someone is experiencing mental health issues on campus.  

UWSP Counseling Center, CAP Services, Mantra Health, and self-help with You@UWSP. Also your very own Mental Health Peer Educators here on campus!!!
